Flow dynamics and sediment transport in vegetated rivers: A review

W Huai, S Li, GG Katul, M Liu, Z Yang - Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2021 - Springer
The significance of riparian vegetation on river flow and material transport is not in dispute.
Conveyance laws, sediment erosion and deposition, and element cycling must all be …

Modeling the interactions between river morphodynamics and riparian vegetation

C Camporeale, E Perucca, L Ridolfi… - Reviews of …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
The study of river‐riparian vegetation interactions is an important and intriguing research
field in geophysics. Vegetation is an active element of the ecological dynamics of a …

Vegetation enhances curvature-driven dynamics in meandering rivers

A Finotello, A Ielpi, MGA Lapôtre, ED Lazarus… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Stabilization of riverbanks by vegetation has long been considered necessary to sustain
single-thread meandering rivers. However, observation of active meandering in modern …

[КНИГА][B] Rivers and floodplains: forms, processes, and sedimentary record

JS Bridge - 2009 - books.google.com
Rivers and Floodplains is concerned with the origin, geometry, water flow, sediment
transport, erosion and deposition associated with modern alluvial rivers and floodplains …

Sedimentation engineering: processes, measurements, modeling, and practice

M Garcia - 2008 - ascelibrary.org
Prepared by the ASCE Task Committee to Expand and Update Manual 54 of the
Sedimentation Committee of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of ASCE …

A new framework for modeling the migration of meandering rivers

G Parker, Y Shimizu, GV Wilkerson… - Earth Surface …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Many models of river meander migration rely upon a simple formalism, whereby the eroding
bank is cut back at a rate that is dictated by the flow, and the depositing bank then migrates …

High curvatures drive river meandering

Z Sylvester, P Durkin, JA Covault - Geology, 2019 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
One of the long-and widely held ideas about the dynamics of meandering rivers is that
migration slows down in bends with higher curvatures. High-resolution measurements of …


G Seminara - Journal of fluid mechanics, 2006 - cambridge.org
In the last few decades cooperation among fluid dynamicists and geomorphologists has
allowed the construction of a rational framework for the quantitative understanding of several …

Numerical simulation of bank erosion and channel migration in meandering rivers

SE Darby, AM Alabyan… - Water Resources …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
A numerical model of river morphology for meander bends with erodible cohesive banks is
herein developed and tested. The new model has three key features. First, it couples a two …

High spatiotemporal resolution of river planform dynamics from Landsat: The RivMAP toolbox and results from the Ucayali River

J Schwenk, A Khandelwal, M Fratkin… - Earth and Space …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Quantifying planform changes of large and actively migrating rivers such as those in the
tropical Amazon at multidecadal time scales, over large spatial domains, and with high …