Sustainability‐related supply chain risks and supply chain performances: The moderating effects of dynamic supply chain management practices
In recent years, the supply chain has undergone significant transformations due to various
factors such as globalization, the COVID‐19 pandemic, advancements in information …
factors such as globalization, the COVID‐19 pandemic, advancements in information …
Evaluating the effectiveness of public procurement performance management systems in local governments
Increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, and compliance of public procurement (PP) has
become an ongoing concern for governments. Public administrations at different levels are …
become an ongoing concern for governments. Public administrations at different levels are …
The path of innovation: purchasing and supplier involvement into new product development
This paper aims to investigate the effects of supplier collaboration on the firm innovation
performance as well as the enabling characteristics of the purchasing function. This is an …
performance as well as the enabling characteristics of the purchasing function. This is an …
Early supplier integration: the dual role of purchasing in new product development
Interest in early supplier integration in new product development (NPD) has increased as an
open innovation approach has become more common in firms. To support supplier …
open innovation approach has become more common in firms. To support supplier …
[ספר][B] Strategisches Beschaffungsmanagement
R Large - 2006 - Springer
Auch die dritte Auflage hat eine sehr gute Aufnahme gefunden und war überraschend
schnell vergriffen. Durch meinen Wechsel an die Universität Stuttgart und den Aufbau des …
schnell vergriffen. Durch meinen Wechsel an die Universität Stuttgart und den Aufbau des …
Examining absorptive capacity in supply chains: Linking responsive strategy and firm performance
Information management is a core supply chain activity that is increasing in importance as
firms strive to become more responsive to growing customer demand for innovative …
firms strive to become more responsive to growing customer demand for innovative …
[ספר][B] Purchasing and supply chain management: A sustainability perspective
T Johnsen, M Howard, J Miemczyk - 2018 -
For too long, business has focused on short-term cost advantages through low-cost country
sourcing with little regard for the longer-term implications of global sustainability. Purchasing …
sourcing with little regard for the longer-term implications of global sustainability. Purchasing …
International purchasing offices: Literature review and research directions
Abstract International Purchasing Offices (IPOs) now play an increasingly important role in
the management of international sourcing activities, both in developed and emerging …
the management of international sourcing activities, both in developed and emerging …
[ספר][B] Supplier relationship management
W Appelfeller, W Buchholz - 2011 - Springer
Die Vorratsbeschaffung stellt einen klassischen Beschaffungsprozess dar, der trotz aller
Bemühungen, Materialien Just-in-time zu liefern, in vielen Unternehmen, insbesondere …
Bemühungen, Materialien Just-in-time zu liefern, in vielen Unternehmen, insbesondere …
Purchasing and innovation: Past, present and future of the field of research
This paper introduces the special topic forum (STF) on purchasing and innovation.
Presenting the findings from a systematic literature review, we take stock of the current state …
Presenting the findings from a systematic literature review, we take stock of the current state …