Missing the Forest for the Trolls

MA Lemley, AD Melamed - Colum. L. Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
Patent trolls-patent owners whose primary business is collecting money from others that
allegedly infringe their patents-are on everyone's mind. Complaints that trolls are perverting …

Nexus between financial innovation and bankruptcy: evidence from information, communication and technology (ict) sector

F Chien, AA Pantamee, MS Hussain… - The Singapore …, 2021 - World Scientific
This study examines the reliability of Altman's Z-score model to predict the financial failure of
the ICT sector in Pakistan. Data for 11 PSE-listed (Pakistan Stock Exchange) ICT companies …

Algorithmic auditing: Chasing AI accountability

EP Goodman, J Trehu - Santa Clara High Tech. LJ, 2022 - HeinOnline
Calls for audits to expose and mitigate harms related to algorithmic decision systems are
proliferating, 3 and audit provisions are coming into force-notably in the EU Digital Services …

A simple approach to setting reasonable royalties for standard-essential patents

MA Lemley, C Shapiro - Berkeley Tech. LJ, 2013 - HeinOnline
ABSTRACT A Standard Setting Organization (" SSO") typically requires its members to
license any standard-essential patents on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (" …

Permanent injunctions in patent litigation after eBay: An empirical study

CB Seaman - Iowa L. Rev., 2015 - HeinOnline
The Supreme Court's 2oo6 decision in eBay v. MercExchange is widely regarded as one of
the most important patent law rulings of the past decade. Historically, patent holders who …

[KNYGA][B] Economic analysis of network effects and intellectual property

PS Menell - 2019 - elgaronline.com
7. Economic analysis of network effects and intellectual property Page 1 157 7. Economic
analysis of network effects and intellectual property Peter S. Menell6* Contents I. Introduction …

Software patents and the return of functional claiming

MA Lemley - Wis. L. Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
Commentators have observed for years that patents do less good and cause more harm in
the software industry than in other industries such as pharmaceuticals. 1 Software patents …

Breaking the vicious cycle of patent damages

WF Lee, AD Melamed - Cornell L. Rev., 2015 - HeinOnline
Patent law is intended to foster the creation and distribution of new and valuable inventions.
To further that objective, patent remedies must balance three competing incentives: first …

How essential are standard-essential patents

MA Lemley, T Simcoe - Cornell L. Rev., 2018 - HeinOnline
Courts, commentators, and companies have devoted enormous time and energy to the
problem of standard-essential patents (SEPs)-patents that cover (or at least are claimed to …

Strategic patent acquisitions

FMS Morton, C Shapiro - Antitrust Lj, 2013 - HeinOnline
In recent years, we have seen a dramatic upsurge of" strategic patent acquisitions." We
define this as the acquisition of a portfolio of patents reading on a specified area such as …