[КНИГА][B] Keramik

H Salmang, H Scholze, R Telle - 1982 - Springer
Die exakte wissenschaftliche Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Keramik hat erst zum Ende des
19. Jahrhunderts eingesetzt. Die dabei gewonnenen Erkenntnisse dienten nicht nur der …

A vector thermodynamics for anisotropic surfaces: I. Fundamentals and application to plane surface junctions

DW Hoffman, JW Cahn - Surface Science, 1972 - Elsevier
In this paper we propose a vector function ξ (n̂) as an alternative to the scalar function γ
(n̂) with which the free energy of anisotropic surfaces is usually described. The vector …

Origins and applications of London dispersion forces and Hamaker constants in ceramics

RH French - Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
The London dispersion forces, along with the Debye and Keesom forces, constitute the long‐
range van der Waals forces. London's and Hamaker's work on the point‐to‐point dispersion …

Transitions and phase equilibria among grain boundary structures

JW Cahn - Le Journal de Physique Colloques, 1982 - jphyscol.journaldephysique.org
Résumé Les caractéristiques des changements de phases d'équilibre du 1er ordre des
joints de grains eux-mêmes sont telles qu'elles conduisent à une définition des phases des …

Abnormal grain growth of alumina

IJ Bae, S Baik - Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
Abnormal grain growth (AGG) is not one of the intrinsic properties of alumina but rather is an
extrinsic property that is controlled by certain impurities that are introduced during powder …

Critical concentration of MgO for the prevention of abnormal grain growth in alumina

SI Bae, S Baik - Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
The effects of MgO on sintering and grain growth of alumina in the absence of any other
impurities as well as in the presence of various amounts of CaO were investigated using …

Effect of interface structure on the microstructural evolution of ceramics

W Jo, DY Kim, NM Hwang - Journal of the American Ceramic …, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
The interface atomic structure was proposed to have a critical effect on microstructure
evolution during sintering of ceramic materials. In liquid‐phase sintering, spherical grains …

Surface simulation studies of the hydration of white rust Fe (OH) 2, goethite α-FeO (OH) and hematite α-Fe2O3

NH de Leeuw, TG Cooper - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2007 - Elsevier
Computer modelling techniques were used to elucidate the hydration behaviour of three iron
(hydr) oxide minerals at the atomic level: white rust, goethite and hematite. A potential model …

Effect of Cr2O3 addition on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Al2O3

DH Riu, YM Kong, HE Kim - Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2000 - Elsevier
The effects of chromia (Cr2O3) additions on the microstructural evolution and the
mechanical properties of alumina (Al2O3) were investigated. When small amounts (< 5 …

Particle/matrix interface and its role in creep inhibition in alumina/silicon carbide nanocomposites

T Ohji, T Hirano, A Nakahira… - Journal of the American …, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
This study focuses on interfacial bonding between intergranular silicon carbide particles and
an alumina matrix, to determine the creep inhibition mechanism of alumina/silicon carbide …