Mobile robot localization: Where we are and what are the challenges?
This article surveys recent developments in the area of mobile robot localization. The focus
is on indoor 3-D localization from vision and RGB-D data. We analyze three important …
is on indoor 3-D localization from vision and RGB-D data. We analyze three important …
Improving accuracy of feature-based RGB-D SLAM by modeling spatial uncertainty of point features
Many recent solutions to the RGB-D SLAM problem use the pose-graph optimization
approach, which marginalizes out the actual depth measurements. In this paper we employ …
approach, which marginalizes out the actual depth measurements. In this paper we employ …
Toward evaluation of visual navigation algorithms on RGB-D data from the first-and second-generation Kinect
Although the introduction of commercial RGB-D sensors has enabled significant progress in
the visual navigation methods for mobile robots, the structured-light-based sensors, like …
the visual navigation methods for mobile robots, the structured-light-based sensors, like …
Modeling spatial uncertainty of point features in feature-based RGB-D SLAM
This paper deals with the problem of modeling spatial uncertainty of point features in feature-
based RGB-D SLAM. Although the feature-based approach to SLAM is very popular, in the …
based RGB-D SLAM. Although the feature-based approach to SLAM is very popular, in the …
An experimental study on feature-based SLAM for multi-legged robots with RGB-D sensors
Purpose This paper aims to evaluate four different simultaneous localization and map**
(SLAM) systems in the context of localization of multi-legged walking robots equipped with …
(SLAM) systems in the context of localization of multi-legged walking robots equipped with …
Dna-slam: Dense noise aware slam for tof rgb-d cameras
Abstract SLAM with RGB-D cameras is a very active field in Computer Vision as well as
Robotics. Dense methods using all depth and intensity information showed best results in …
Robotics. Dense methods using all depth and intensity information showed best results in …
Lightweight RGB-D SLAM system for search and rescue robots
Search and rescue robots ought to be autonomous, as it enables to keep the human
personnel out of dangerous areas. To achieve desirable level of the autonomy both …
personnel out of dangerous areas. To achieve desirable level of the autonomy both …
[PDF][PDF] Efficient RGB-D data processing for feature-based self-localization of mobile robots
The problem of position and orientation estimation for an active vision sensor that moves
with respect to the full six degrees of freedom is considered. The proposed approach is …
with respect to the full six degrees of freedom is considered. The proposed approach is …
Enhancing Visual Odometry with Estimated Scene Depth: Leveraging RGB-D Data with Deep Learning.
Advances in visual odometry (VO) systems have benefited from the widespread use of
affordable RGB-D cameras, improving indoor localization and map** accuracy. However …
affordable RGB-D cameras, improving indoor localization and map** accuracy. However …
[HTML][HTML] A multi-user personal indoor localization system employing graph-based optimization
Personal indoor localization with smartphones is a well-researched area, with a number of
approaches solving the problem separately for individual users. Most commonly, a particle …
approaches solving the problem separately for individual users. Most commonly, a particle …