Mobile robot localization: Where we are and what are the challenges?

P Skrzypczyński - Automation 2017: Innovations in Automation, Robotics …, 2017‏ - Springer
This article surveys recent developments in the area of mobile robot localization. The focus
is on indoor 3-D localization from vision and RGB-D data. We analyze three important …

Improving accuracy of feature-based RGB-D SLAM by modeling spatial uncertainty of point features

D Belter, M Nowicki… - 2016 IEEE international …, 2016‏ -
Many recent solutions to the RGB-D SLAM problem use the pose-graph optimization
approach, which marginalizes out the actual depth measurements. In this paper we employ …

Toward evaluation of visual navigation algorithms on RGB-D data from the first-and second-generation Kinect

M Kraft, M Nowicki, A Schmidt, M Fularz… - Machine Vision and …, 2017‏ - Springer
Although the introduction of commercial RGB-D sensors has enabled significant progress in
the visual navigation methods for mobile robots, the structured-light-based sensors, like …

Modeling spatial uncertainty of point features in feature-based RGB-D SLAM

D Belter, M Nowicki, P Skrzypczyński - Machine Vision and Applications, 2018‏ - Springer
This paper deals with the problem of modeling spatial uncertainty of point features in feature-
based RGB-D SLAM. Although the feature-based approach to SLAM is very popular, in the …

An experimental study on feature-based SLAM for multi-legged robots with RGB-D sensors

MR Nowicki, D Belter, A Kostusiak, P Cížek… - Industrial Robot: An …, 2017‏ -
Purpose This paper aims to evaluate four different simultaneous localization and map**
(SLAM) systems in the context of localization of multi-legged walking robots equipped with …

Dna-slam: Dense noise aware slam for tof rgb-d cameras

O Wasenmüller, MD Ansari, D Stricker - … Revised Selected Papers, Part I 13, 2017‏ - Springer
Abstract SLAM with RGB-D cameras is a very active field in Computer Vision as well as
Robotics. Dense methods using all depth and intensity information showed best results in …

Lightweight RGB-D SLAM system for search and rescue robots

D Belter, M Nowicki, P Skrzypczyński, K Walas… - Progress in Automation …, 2015‏ - Springer
Search and rescue robots ought to be autonomous, as it enables to keep the human
personnel out of dangerous areas. To achieve desirable level of the autonomy both …

[PDF][PDF] Efficient RGB-D data processing for feature-based self-localization of mobile robots

M Kraft, M Nowicki, R Penne, A Schmidt… - International Journal of …, 2016‏ -
The problem of position and orientation estimation for an active vision sensor that moves
with respect to the full six degrees of freedom is considered. The proposed approach is …

Enhancing Visual Odometry with Estimated Scene Depth: Leveraging RGB-D Data with Deep Learning.

A Kostusiak, P Skrzypczyński - Electronics (2079-9292), 2024‏ -
Advances in visual odometry (VO) systems have benefited from the widespread use of
affordable RGB-D cameras, improving indoor localization and map** accuracy. However …

[HTML][HTML] A multi-user personal indoor localization system employing graph-based optimization

MR Nowicki, P Skrzypczyński - Sensors, 2019‏ -
Personal indoor localization with smartphones is a well-researched area, with a number of
approaches solving the problem separately for individual users. Most commonly, a particle …