Magnetospheric multiscale overview and science objectives
Abstract Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS), a NASA four-spacecraft constellation mission
launched on March 12, 2015, will investigate magnetic reconnection in the boundary …
launched on March 12, 2015, will investigate magnetic reconnection in the boundary …
Magnetospheric multiscale science mission profile and operations
Abstract The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission and operations are designed to
provide the maximum reconnection science. The mission phases are chosen to investigate …
provide the maximum reconnection science. The mission phases are chosen to investigate …
Magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause: Advances with MMS
Magnetic reconnection is known to be an important process for coupling solar wind mass
and momentum into the Earth's magnetosphere. Reconnection is initiated in an electron …
and momentum into the Earth's magnetosphere. Reconnection is initiated in an electron …
Global-scale processes and effects of magnetic reconnection on the geospace environment
Recent multi-point measurements, in particular from the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS)
spacecraft, have advanced the understanding of micro-scale aspects of magnetic …
spacecraft, have advanced the understanding of micro-scale aspects of magnetic …
The location of magnetic reconnection at Earth's magnetopause
One of the major questions about magnetic reconnection is how specific solar wind and
interplanetary magnetic field conditions influence where reconnection occurs at the Earth's …
interplanetary magnetic field conditions influence where reconnection occurs at the Earth's …
Hot plasma composition analyzer for the magnetospheric multiscale mission
This paper describes the science motivation, measurement objectives, performance
requirements, detailed design, approach and implementation, and calibration of the four Hot …
requirements, detailed design, approach and implementation, and calibration of the four Hot …
Continuous magnetic reconnection at Earth's magnetopause
The most important process that allows solar-wind plasma to cross the magnetopause and
enter Earth's magnetosphere is the merging between solar-wind and terrestrial magnetic …
enter Earth's magnetosphere is the merging between solar-wind and terrestrial magnetic …
Review of solar wind entry into and transport within the plasma sheet
The plasma sheet is populated in part by the solar wind plasma. Four solar entry
mechanisms are examined:(1) double cusp or double lobe reconnection,(2) Kelvin …
mechanisms are examined:(1) double cusp or double lobe reconnection,(2) Kelvin …
The polar cusp seen by Cluster
The investigation of the magnetospheric polar cusps was one of the main objectives of the
Cluster mission. The four satellites have crossed those regions numerous times over the …
Cluster mission. The four satellites have crossed those regions numerous times over the …
Localized aurora beyond the auroral oval
Aurora is the result of the interaction between precipitating energetic electrons and protons
with the upper atmosphere. Viewed from space, it generally occurs in continuous and diffuse …
with the upper atmosphere. Viewed from space, it generally occurs in continuous and diffuse …