Insect declines in the Anthropocene

DL Wagner - Annual review of entomology, 2020 -
Insect declines are being reported worldwide for flying, ground, and aquatic lineages. Most
reports come from western and northern Europe, where the insect fauna is well-studied and …

Supporting bees in cities: how bees are influenced by local and landscape features

AC Ayers, SM Rehan - Insects, 2021 -
Simple Summary Cities are complex ecosystems that, while generally contributing to an
overall reduction in biodiversity, can support surprisingly unique communities of organisms …

Complex agricultural landscapes host more biodiversity than simple ones: A global meta-analysis

N Estrada-Carmona, AC Sánchez, R Remans… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 -
Managing agricultural landscapes to support biodiversity conservation requires profound
structural changes worldwide. Often, discussions are centered on management at the field …

Agriculture and climate change are resha** insect biodiversity worldwide

CL Outhwaite, P McCann, T Newbold - Nature, 2022 -
Several previous studies have investigated changes in insect biodiversity, with some
highlighting declines and others showing turnover in species composition without net …

Agricultural intensification and climate change are rapidly decreasing insect biodiversity

PH Raven, DL Wagner - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2021 -
Major declines in insect biomass and diversity, reviewed here, have become obvious and
well documented since the end of World War II. Here, we conclude that the spread and …

Urban areas as hotspots for bees and pollination but not a panacea for all insects

P Theodorou, R Radzevičiūtė, G Lentendu… - Nature …, 2020 -
Urbanisation is an important global driver of biodiversity change, negatively impacting some
species groups whilst providing opportunities for others. Yet its impact on ecosystem …

Bees and pesticide regulation: lessons from the neonicotinoid experience

F Sgolastra, P Medrzycki, L Bortolotti, S Maini… - Biological …, 2020 - Elsevier
Neonicotinoid insecticides have been signaled as an important driver of widespread
declines in bee diversity and abundance. Neonicotinoids were registered in the 1990s and …

Worldwide importance of insect pollination in apple orchards: A review

A Pardo, PAV Borges - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2020 - Elsevier
Apple (Malus domestica) is one of the most important fruit crops globally. Apple trees
depend greatly on insect pollination to achieve high yields and obtain fruits of acceptable …

Phylogeny, biogeography and diversification of the mining bee family Andrenidae

S Bossert, TJ Wood, S Patiny, D Michez… - Systematic …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The mining bees (Andrenidae) are a major bee family of over 3000 described species with a
nearly global distribution. They are a particularly significant component of northern …

[HTML][HTML] Agroecosystem services: A review of concepts, indicators, assessment methods and future research perspectives

Q Liu, X Sun, W Wu, Z Liu, G Fang, P Yang - Ecological Indicators, 2022 - Elsevier
Agroecosystems benefit from many ecosystem services and are frequently managed to
increase productivity. In recent years, agricultural industrialization has caused the loss of …