The Application of open science potentials in research processes: A comprehensive literature review

M Zarghani, L Nemati-Anaraki, S Sedghi, AN Chakoli… - Libri, 2023 -
The aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive literature review of the dimensions of
open science in research processes. A total of four databases and snowball searching were …

Iranian researchers' perspective about concept and effect of open science on research publication

M Zarghani, L Nemati-Anaraki, S Sedghi… - BMC Health Services …, 2023 - Springer
Background Sharing research outputs with open science methods for different stakeholders
causes better access to different studies to solve problems in diverse fields, which leads to …

Qualitative analysis of the scholarly publication system dimensions in the scholarly publication databases

A Hamrahi, R Pournaghi, D Matlabi - Iranian Journal of Information …, 2022 -
The main object of this study is analyzing the components and indicators of the scholarly
Publication System in the scholarly Publication databases in terms of access …

Um guia para publicar artigos em ciências da saúde

C Kusano - Revista Plêiade, 2018 -
O presente artigo é um guia introdutório sobre o processode publicação de um artigo,
desde a finalização do texto, escolha doperiódico e submissão do manuscrito até a …

Presence of Ecuador in the Web of Science from open access in post-pandemic period 2019-2021: A multivariate analysis

P Álvarez Muñoz, FE Pacheco Olea… - bioRxiv, 2024 -
The study analyzed the presence of Ecuador in the post-pandemic Web of Science (WoS)
from a multivariate dynamic, highlighting a significant transformation in scientific …

Acceso abierto en el Caribe: un análisis bibliométrico (2000-2020)

C De Souza, CS Balseiro - … : Revista del Núcleo de Estudios e …, 2024 -
A principios de la década del 2000, los asistentes de una reunión en Budapest redactaron
la primera declaración formal a favor del Acceso Abierto a la literatura científica y …

[PDF][PDF] Iranian researchers' perspective about concept and effect of open science on research

M Zarghani, L Nemati-Anaraki, S Sedghi… - 2023 - bmchealthservres.biomedcentral …
Background Sharing research outputs with open science methods for different stakeholders
causes better access to different studies to solve problems in diverse fields, which leads to …


NP Bakas, A Athenodorou… - … Methods in Structural …, 2023 -
Scientific research exhibits a vast increase in terms of published works, as well as produced
data, computer codes, and scientific methods. Accordingly, openness is a modern demand …

Academic Publishing: Shifting Paradigm from Print to Digital Publication

NK Sharma - Azerbaijan Pharmaceutical and …, 2023 -
Both of these developments are facilitated by the infonnation revolution, which has enabled
a substantial and continually expanding segment of the global population to access an …

[PDF][PDF] Toppling the Ivory Tower: Increasing Public Participation in Research Through Open and Citizen Science

MJ Chen -
Prior to the emergence of professional researchers, amateurs without formal training
primarily made contributions to science in what is known as 'citizen science.'Over time …