The Application of open science potentials in research processes: A comprehensive literature review
The aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive literature review of the dimensions of
open science in research processes. A total of four databases and snowball searching were …
open science in research processes. A total of four databases and snowball searching were …
Iranian researchers' perspective about concept and effect of open science on research publication
Background Sharing research outputs with open science methods for different stakeholders
causes better access to different studies to solve problems in diverse fields, which leads to …
causes better access to different studies to solve problems in diverse fields, which leads to …
Qualitative analysis of the scholarly publication system dimensions in the scholarly publication databases
The main object of this study is analyzing the components and indicators of the scholarly
Publication System in the scholarly Publication databases in terms of access …
Publication System in the scholarly Publication databases in terms of access …
Um guia para publicar artigos em ciências da saúde
C Kusano - Revista Plêiade, 2018 -
O presente artigo é um guia introdutório sobre o processode publicação de um artigo,
desde a finalização do texto, escolha doperiódico e submissão do manuscrito até a …
desde a finalização do texto, escolha doperiódico e submissão do manuscrito até a …
Presence of Ecuador in the Web of Science from open access in post-pandemic period 2019-2021: A multivariate analysis
The study analyzed the presence of Ecuador in the post-pandemic Web of Science (WoS)
from a multivariate dynamic, highlighting a significant transformation in scientific …
from a multivariate dynamic, highlighting a significant transformation in scientific …
Acceso abierto en el Caribe: un análisis bibliométrico (2000-2020)
A principios de la década del 2000, los asistentes de una reunión en Budapest redactaron
la primera declaración formal a favor del Acceso Abierto a la literatura científica y …
la primera declaración formal a favor del Acceso Abierto a la literatura científica y …
[PDF][PDF] Iranian researchers' perspective about concept and effect of open science on research
M Zarghani, L Nemati-Anaraki, S Sedghi… - 2023 - bmchealthservres.biomedcentral …
Background Sharing research outputs with open science methods for different stakeholders
causes better access to different studies to solve problems in diverse fields, which leads to …
causes better access to different studies to solve problems in diverse fields, which leads to …
Scientific research exhibits a vast increase in terms of published works, as well as produced
data, computer codes, and scientific methods. Accordingly, openness is a modern demand …
data, computer codes, and scientific methods. Accordingly, openness is a modern demand …
Academic Publishing: Shifting Paradigm from Print to Digital Publication
NK Sharma - Azerbaijan Pharmaceutical and …, 2023 -
Both of these developments are facilitated by the infonnation revolution, which has enabled
a substantial and continually expanding segment of the global population to access an …
a substantial and continually expanding segment of the global population to access an …
[PDF][PDF] Toppling the Ivory Tower: Increasing Public Participation in Research Through Open and Citizen Science
MJ Chen -
Prior to the emergence of professional researchers, amateurs without formal training
primarily made contributions to science in what is known as 'citizen science.'Over time …
primarily made contributions to science in what is known as 'citizen science.'Over time …