Assessment of Patient Safety Attitude Among Doctors and Nurses at Public Specialist Hospitals in Malaysia
Patient safety remains a global problem that affects both developed and develo**
countries. Healthcare organizations should focus on the need of assessing safety culture as …
countries. Healthcare organizations should focus on the need of assessing safety culture as …
[PDF][PDF] Attitudes of Healthcare Professionals and Internship Students Toward Patient Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Qom, Iran, 2021
Background: The main problems endangering patient safety are errors and accidents
caused by healthcare providers, mainly due to their unfavorable patient safety attitudes …
caused by healthcare providers, mainly due to their unfavorable patient safety attitudes …
[PDF][PDF] Hubungan karakteristik perawat dan safety attitude di rumah sakit Jakarta
Sikap keselamatan perawat mempengaruhi tindakan dalam menerapkan implementasi
asuhan keperawatan yang berbasis keselamatan pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan …
asuhan keperawatan yang berbasis keselamatan pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan …
The effect of virtual self-management training in communication skills on the level of violence and occupational stress of emergency technicians at Shahid Beheshti …
Introduction: Emergency technicians face workplace violence and increasing occupational
stress. Thepurpose of this study was to investigate the impact of a virtual self-management …
stress. Thepurpose of this study was to investigate the impact of a virtual self-management …
Diferencias entre los profesionales de enfermería y medicina respecto a la cultura de la seguridad del paciente quirúrgico
Objetivo: Investigar si la percepción de la cultura de la seguridad de los pacientes
quirúrgicos difiere entre los profesionales de enfermería y medicina que trabajan en una …
quirúrgicos difiere entre los profesionales de enfermería y medicina que trabajan en una …
[PDF][PDF] Differences between nursing and medical professionals regarding the surgical patient safety culture
Objective: To investigate whether the perception of the surgical patient safety culture differs
between nursing and medical professionals working in a Brazilian public educational …
between nursing and medical professionals working in a Brazilian public educational …
Influence of demographic characteristics, shift work, and job demands on nurses safety attitude
Background and purpose: Patient safety culture is essential in preventing patient injuries in
hospitals. Safety attitude is one of the valid tools used in assessment of safety culture among …
hospitals. Safety attitude is one of the valid tools used in assessment of safety culture among …
[PDF][PDF] An Analysis of Head Nurses' Nursing Informatics Competencies and Nurses' Attitudes towards Patient Safety in Hospitals
Introduction: Improving patient safety attitudes will provide quality care and a safe
environment and practice for patients. The attitude of nurses towards patient safety in …
environment and practice for patients. The attitude of nurses towards patient safety in …
Background: Patient safety is one of the vital aspects that integrated to the health care
system and patients' outcomes. It is crucial to focus on the concept of patient safety to …
system and patients' outcomes. It is crucial to focus on the concept of patient safety to …
Diferenças entre profissionais de enfermagem e medicina acerca da cultura de segurança do paciente cirúrgico
Objetivo: Investigar si la percepción de la cultura de la seguridad de los pacientes
quirúrgicos difiere entre los profesionales de enfermería y medicina que trabajan en una …
quirúrgicos difiere entre los profesionales de enfermería y medicina que trabajan en una …