Fluid mechanics of hydraulic fracturing: a review
AA Osiptsov - Journal of petroleum science and engineering, 2017 - Elsevier
Although hydraulic fracturing is a mature technology that has been used commercially since
the late 1940s, the development of unconventional hydrocarbon fields with the combination …
the late 1940s, the development of unconventional hydrocarbon fields with the combination …
The physics of dense suspensions
Dense suspensions of particles are relevant to many applications and are a key platform for
develo** a fundamental physics of out-of-equilibrium systems. They present challenging …
develo** a fundamental physics of out-of-equilibrium systems. They present challenging …
Rheology of dense granular suspensions
É Guazzelli, O Pouliquen - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2018 - cambridge.org
Suspensions are composed of mixtures of particles and fluid and are omnipresent in natural
phenomena and in industrial processes. The present paper addresses the rheology of …
phenomena and in industrial processes. The present paper addresses the rheology of …
[Књига][B] Granular media: between fluid and solid
Sand, rice, sugar, snow, cement... Although ubiquitous in our daily lives, granular media still
challenge engineers and fascinate researchers. This book provides the state-of-the-art of the …
challenge engineers and fascinate researchers. This book provides the state-of-the-art of the …
Active suspensions and their nonlinear models
D Saintillan, MJ Shelley - Comptes Rendus Physique, 2013 - Elsevier
Active suspensions, such as suspensions of self-propelled microorganisms and related
synthetic microswimmers, are known to undergo complex dynamics and pattern formation as …
synthetic microswimmers, are known to undergo complex dynamics and pattern formation as …
Rheology of sheared suspensions of rough frictional particles
S Gallier, E Lemaire, F Peters, L Lobry - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2014 - cambridge.org
This paper presents three-dimensional numerical simulations of non-Brownian concentrated
suspensions in a Couette flow at zero Reynolds number using a fictitious domain method …
suspensions in a Couette flow at zero Reynolds number using a fictitious domain method …
Normal stresses in concentrated non-Brownian suspensions
T Dbouk, L Lobry, E Lemaire - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2013 - cambridge.org
We present an experimental approach used to measure both normal stress differences and
the particle phase contribution to the normal stresses in suspensions of non-Brownian hard …
the particle phase contribution to the normal stresses in suspensions of non-Brownian hard …
Flows of suspensions of particles in yield stress fluids
We study the rheological behavior of suspensions of noncolloidal spheres in yield stress
fluids (concentrated emulsions). These are good model systems for understanding, eg, the …
fluids (concentrated emulsions). These are good model systems for understanding, eg, the …
Dense suspensions in rotating-rod flows: normal stresses and particle migration
Normal stress differences are measured in dense suspensions of neutrally buoyant non-
Brownian spheres dispersed in a Newtonian fluid. Rotating-rod rheometry is used to …
Brownian spheres dispersed in a Newtonian fluid. Rotating-rod rheometry is used to …
A two-phase two-layer model for fluidized granular flows with dilatancy effects
F Bouchut, ED Fernández-Nieto… - Journal of Fluid …, 2016 - cambridge.org
We propose a two-phase two-thin-layer model for fluidized debris flows that takes into
account dilatancy effects, based on the closure relation proposed by Roux & Radjai (Physics …
account dilatancy effects, based on the closure relation proposed by Roux & Radjai (Physics …