A review of the remote sensing of lower tropospheric thermodynamic profiles and its indispensable role for the understanding and the simulation of water and energy …
A review of remote sensing technology for lower tropospheric thermodynamic (TD) profiling
is presented with focus on high accuracy and high temporal‐vertical resolution. The …
is presented with focus on high accuracy and high temporal‐vertical resolution. The …
A review of convection initiation and motivation for IHOP_2002
Abstract The International H 2 O Project (IHOP_2002) included four complementary
research components: quantitative precipitation forecasting, convection initiation …
research components: quantitative precipitation forecasting, convection initiation …
Evaluation of CESM1 (WACCM) free-running and specified dynamics atmospheric composition simulations using global multispecies satellite data records
We have analyzed near-global stratospheric data (and mesospheric data as well for H 2 O)
in terms of absolute abundances, variability, and trends for O 3, H 2 O, HCl, N 2 O, and HNO …
in terms of absolute abundances, variability, and trends for O 3, H 2 O, HCl, N 2 O, and HNO …
[HTML][HTML] Methodology to determine the coupling of continental clouds with surface and boundary layer height under cloudy conditions from lidar and meteorological …
The states of coupling between clouds and surface or boundary layer have been
investigated much more extensively for marine stratocumulus clouds than for continental low …
investigated much more extensively for marine stratocumulus clouds than for continental low …
Airborne and ground-based measurements using a high-performance Raman lidar
A high-performance Raman lidar operating in the UV portion of the spectrum has been used
to acquire, for the first time using a single lidar, simultaneous airborne profiles of the water …
to acquire, for the first time using a single lidar, simultaneous airborne profiles of the water …
Assimilation of lidar planetary boundary layer height observations
Lidar backscatter and wind retrievals of the planetary boundary layer height (PBLH) are
assimilated into 22 hourly forecasts from the NASA Unified–Weather and Research Forecast …
assimilated into 22 hourly forecasts from the NASA Unified–Weather and Research Forecast …
The dryline on 22 May 2002 during IHOP: Ground-radar and in situ data analyses of the dryline and boundary layer evolution
On the afternoon and evening of 22 May 2002, high-resolution observations of the boundary
layer (BL) and a dryline were obtained in the eastern Oklahoma and Texas panhandles …
layer (BL) and a dryline were obtained in the eastern Oklahoma and Texas panhandles …
Mesoscale thermodynamic influences on convection initiation near a surface dryline in a convection-permitting ensemble
In this study, the authors examine initiation of severe convection along a daytime surface
dryline in a 10-member ensemble of convection-permitting simulations. Results indicate that …
dryline in a 10-member ensemble of convection-permitting simulations. Results indicate that …
Demonstration measurements of water vapor, cirrus clouds, and carbon dioxide using a high-performance Raman lidar
Profile measurements of atmospheric water vapor, cirrus clouds, and carbon dioxide using
the Raman Airborne Spectroscopic lidar (RASL) during ground-based, upward-looking tests …
the Raman Airborne Spectroscopic lidar (RASL) during ground-based, upward-looking tests …
Progress toward characterization of the atmospheric boundary layer over northern Alabama using observations by a vertically pointing, S-band profiling radar during …
During spring 2016 and spring 2017, a vertically pointing, S-band Frequency Modulated
Continuous Wave radar (UMass FMCW) was deployed in northern Alabama under the …
Continuous Wave radar (UMass FMCW) was deployed in northern Alabama under the …