How did they build the free encyclopedia? a literature review of collaboration and coordination among Wikipedia editors
Wikipedia has been the poster child for large-scale online open collaboration while few
other online open collaboration initiatives have achieved similar success. How did …
other online open collaboration initiatives have achieved similar success. How did …
Societal controversies in Wikipedia articles
Collaborative content creation inevitably reaches situations where different points of view
lead to conflict. We focus on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia anyone may edit, where …
lead to conflict. We focus on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia anyone may edit, where …
Digging Wikipedia: The online encyclopedia as a digital cultural heritage gateway and site
The online encyclopedia Wikipedia is both a cultural reference to store, refer to, and
organize digitized and digital information, as well as a key contemporary digital heritage …
organize digitized and digital information, as well as a key contemporary digital heritage …
The free encyclopedia that anyone can dispute: An analysis of the micro-structural dynamics of positive and negative relations in the production of contentious …
We consider two rival hypotheses on the emergence of organization in open production
communities. According to the first (“reputation hypothesis”), patterns of agreement and …
communities. According to the first (“reputation hypothesis”), patterns of agreement and …
[PDF][PDF] Contropedia-the analysis and visualization of controversies in Wikipedia articles.
Collaborative content creation inevitably reaches situations where different points of view
lead to conflict. In Wikipedia, one of the most prominent examples of collaboration online …
lead to conflict. In Wikipedia, one of the most prominent examples of collaboration online …
[PDF][PDF] Modeling social dynamics in a collaborative environment
Wikipedia is a prime example of today's value production in a collaborative environment.
Using this example, we model the emergence, persistence and resolution of severe conflicts …
Using this example, we model the emergence, persistence and resolution of severe conflicts …
Value production in a collaborative environment: sociophysical studies of Wikipedia
We review some recent endeavors and add some new results to characterize and
understand underlying mechanisms in Wikipedia (WP), the paradigmatic example of …
understand underlying mechanisms in Wikipedia (WP), the paradigmatic example of …
Jointly they edit: Examining the impact of community identification on political interaction in wikipedia
Background In their 2005 study, Adamic and Glance coined the memorable phrase 'divided
they blog', referring to a trend of cyberbalkanization in the political blogosphere, with liberal …
they blog', referring to a trend of cyberbalkanization in the political blogosphere, with liberal …
EventKG+ Click: A dataset of language-specific event-centric user interaction traces
An increasing need to analyse event-centric cross-lingual information calls for innovative
user interaction models that assist users in crossing the language barrier. However, datasets …
user interaction models that assist users in crossing the language barrier. However, datasets …
How anthropogenic climate change prevailed: A case study of controversies around global warming on Portuguese Wikipedia
B Esteves Gonçalves da Costa… - New Media & …, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Although the Earth's surface average temperature is rising since 1850 due mostly to
anthropogenic greenhouse gases emissions, the existence and the attribution of global …
anthropogenic greenhouse gases emissions, the existence and the attribution of global …