Flower size and longevity influence florivory in the large-flowered shrub Cistus ladanifer

AL Teixido, M Méndez, F Valladares - Acta oecologica, 2011 - Elsevier
Plants with larger and longer-lived flowers receive more pollinator visits and increase
reproductive success, though may also suffer more from antagonistic interactions with …

Modeling the effect of multiple pests on ecosystem services provided by fruit crops: Application to apple

O Lacroix, F Lescourret, M Génard, MM Memah… - Agricultural …, 2024 - Elsevier
CONTEXT In agroecosystems, crop pests have long been controlled by the intensive use of
synthetic pesticides. To lower the dependency on pesticides, alternative crop protection …

The effects of plant density upon pollination success, reproductive effort and fruit parasitism in Cistus ladanifer L. (Cistaceae)

DB Metcalfe, WE Kunin - Plant Ecology, 2006 - Springer
Human activity often causes a decline in the local density of plant populations. Below some
critical lower density, populations may suffer a progressive decline in reproductive success …

Combined effects of deer, mice and insect seed predation on the reproductive success of a Mediterranean shrub

X Lecomte, MC Caldeira, MN Bugalho… - Basic and Applied …, 2017 - Elsevier
The sum of fruit and seed predation by multiple species may strongly affect plant
reproduction and population dynamics. We evaluated the combined effects of ungulates …

Why are fruit traits of Cistus ladanifer (Cistaceae) so variable: A multi-level study across the western Mediterranean region

E Narbona, B Guzmán, J Arroyo, P Vargas - Perspectives in Plant Ecology …, 2010 - Elsevier
Variation is the raw material for evolution. Differences among populations in the expression
of traits related to plant fitness may result from natural selection, phenotypic plasticity (in …

Movement strategies of seed predators as determinants of plant recruitment patterns

L Mari, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, T Avgar… - The American …, 2008 - journals.uchicago.edu
Plant recruitment in nature exhibits several distinctive patterns ranging from hump shaped to
monotonically decreasing with distance from the seed source. We investigate the role of …

Patterns of resource exploitation in four coexisting globeflower fly species (Chiastocheta sp.)

F Pompanon, E Pettex, L Després - Acta Oecologica, 2006 - Elsevier
Life history and spatio-temporal patterns of resource utilisation were characterised in four
Chiastocheta (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) species, whose larvae compete as seed predators on …

[PDF][PDF] Larval strategy of two species of seed-feeding Chalcidoidea parallels that of parasitoid koinobionts

S Jansen-González, SP Teixeira, RAS Pereira - Oecologia Aust, 2020 - researchgate.net
The association between ontogenetic processes in plants and phytophagous insects is not
traditionally considered in studies of insect-plant interactions. Angiosperm seeds impose …

Avoidance of intraspecific competition via host modification in a grazing, fruit-eating insect

D Marchand, JN McNeil - Animal Behaviour, 2004 - Elsevier
Insects feeding on plants may induce chemical and physical changes in the host plants.
Here, we present evidence of host plant modification following an insect attack that may be …

[HTML][HTML] Assessment and management of the invasive shrub, Cistus ladanifer, in South Africa

SP Du Plessis, A Rink, V Goodall, H Kaplan… - South African Journal of …, 2018 - Elsevier
This research provides the first detailed assessment of Cistus ladanifer, a woody, perennial
shrub native to the Mediterranean, as an invasive species in South Africa. Three small …