A survey on self-stabilizing algorithms for independence, domination, coloring, and matching in graphs
N Guellati, H Kheddouci - Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2010 - Elsevier
Dijkstra defined a distributed system to be self-stabilizing if, regardless of the initial state, the
system is guaranteed to reach a legitimate (correct) state in a finite time. Even though the …
system is guaranteed to reach a legitimate (correct) state in a finite time. Even though the …
Efficient transformation of distance-2 self-stabilizing algorithms
V Turau - Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2012 - Elsevier
Self-stabilizing algorithms for optimization problems can often be solved more easily using
the distance-two model in which each vertex can instantly see the state information of all …
the distance-two model in which each vertex can instantly see the state information of all …
Self-stabilizing small k-dominating sets
A self-stabilizing algorithm, after transient faults hit the system and place it in some arbitrary
global state, causes the system to recover in finite time without external (eg, human) …
global state, causes the system to recover in finite time without external (eg, human) …
A self-stabilizing k-clustering algorithm for weighted graphs
Mobile ad hoc networks as well as grid platforms are distributed, changing, and error prone
environments. Communication costs within such infrastructure can be improved, or at least …
environments. Communication costs within such infrastructure can be improved, or at least …
A self-stabilizing o (n)-round k-clustering algorithm
Given an arbitrary network G of processes with unique IDs and no designated leader, and
given a k-dominating set ICG, we propose a silent self-stabilizing distributed algorithm that …
given a k-dominating set ICG, we propose a silent self-stabilizing distributed algorithm that …
[HTML][HTML] Competitive self-stabilizing k-clustering
In this paper, we give a silent self-stabilizing algorithm for constructing a k-clustering of any
asynchronous connected network with unique IDs. Our algorithm stabilizes in O (n) rounds …
asynchronous connected network with unique IDs. Our algorithm stabilizes in O (n) rounds …
[HTML][HTML] A silent self-stabilizing algorithm for the generalized minimal k-dominating set problem
We give a silent self-stabilizing algorithm for the generalized minimal k-dominating set
problem in a connected distributed network G. Given a positive integer k and two sets of …
problem in a connected distributed network G. Given a positive integer k and two sets of …
Competitive self-stabilizing k-clustering
In this paper, we propose a silent self-stabilizing asynchronous distributed algorithm for
constructing a kclustering of any connected network with unique IDs. Our algorithm …
constructing a kclustering of any connected network with unique IDs. Our algorithm …
Best-effort group service in dynamic networks
B Ducourthial, S Khalfallah, F Petit - … of the twenty-second annual ACM …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
We propose a group membership service for dynamic ad hoc networks. It maintains as long
as possible the existing groups and ensures that each group diameter is always smaller …
as possible the existing groups and ensures that each group diameter is always smaller …
A self-stabilizing k-clustering algorithm using an arbitrary metric
Mobile ad hoc networks as well as grid platforms are distributed, changing and error prone
environments. Communication costs within such infrastructures can be improved, or at least …
environments. Communication costs within such infrastructures can be improved, or at least …