Duality of Workload in Teams: A Daily Investigation of Team Workload and Team Functioning
While workload has been traditionally studied as a type of challenge stressor with
motivational benefits for employees, recent research suggests that the nature of workload is …
motivational benefits for employees, recent research suggests that the nature of workload is …
The mediating role of work motivation: The effect of leadership, workload, and reward on employee performance
G Rahmadhon, V Firdaus… - Jurnal Fokus Manajemen …, 2024 - journal2.uad.ac.id
Employee performance is considered key in achieving company goals, reflecting
commitment, dedication and contribution to the company's vision. Motivation, as the main …
commitment, dedication and contribution to the company's vision. Motivation, as the main …
Colleagues' norms regarding work-related messages: their differential effects among remote and onsite workers
Purpose Research has shown that colleagues' norms promoting the need to respond quickly
to work-related messages (CN) have a negative effect on work recovery experiences. In the …
to work-related messages (CN) have a negative effect on work recovery experiences. In the …
Linking leader boundary spanning to task performance and its boundary conditions: a conservation of resources perspective
Purpose Drawing on conservation of resources (COR) theory, this research aims to advance
the current understanding of leader boundary spanning by examining its effect on task …
the current understanding of leader boundary spanning by examining its effect on task …
[HTML][HTML] Examining the role of team boundary buffering as a proactive and reactive stress intervention for boundary spanning new product teams
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the capacity of new product development
(NPD) teams to innovate hinges significantly on their ability to leverage external networks …
(NPD) teams to innovate hinges significantly on their ability to leverage external networks …
Not just a 'nice to have': Team compassionate care behaviours and patient safety
The experience of suffering is ubiquitous in healthcare facilities, but against this backdrop, is
compassion a 'nice to have'or does it also affect patient safety? This article uses mixed …
compassion a 'nice to have'or does it also affect patient safety? This article uses mixed …
The role of boundary-spanning behaviour in enhancing individual innovation performance: a cross-level investigation
C Luo, H Ding - Kybernetes, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to investigate the impact of team boundary-spanning behaviours
(BSBs) on innovation performance at both individual and team levels. The study specifically …
(BSBs) on innovation performance at both individual and team levels. The study specifically …
Merefleksikan Panca Satya dalam Diri Akuntan Publik
KR Sari, APW Savira - Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, 2022 - jamal.ub.ac.id
Akuntansi Multiparadigma Home About Login Register Search Current Archives …
Akuntansi Multiparadigma Home About Login Register Search Current Archives …
Sustainable Development of Teamwork at the Organizational Level—Case Study of Slovakia
This research focused on the organizational level of teamwork in companies in the Slovak
Republic. The study helped to reveal the possibilities of sustainable management of team …
Republic. The study helped to reveal the possibilities of sustainable management of team …
Instructional Designer Experiences Collaborating with Faculty in Higher Education Course Design
EC Bruner - 2024 - search.proquest.com
The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to explore how instructional designers
in higher education in the United States described their experiences with collective affective …
in higher education in the United States described their experiences with collective affective …