Signal processing methods for music transcription

A Klapuri, M Davy - 2007‏ -
Signal Processing Methods for Music Transcription is the first book dedicated to uniting
research related to signal processing algorithms and models for various aspects of music …

The cocktail party problem: what is it? How can it be solved? And why should animal behaviorists study it?

MA Bee, C Micheyl - Journal of comparative psychology, 2008‏ -
Animals often use acoustic signals to communicate in groups or social aggregations in
which multiple individuals signal within a receiver's hearing range. Consequently, receivers …

[ספר][B] Nature's music: the science of birdsong

PR Marler, H Slabbekoorn - 2004‏ -
The voices of birds have always been a source of fascination. Nature's Music brings together
some of the world's experts on birdsong, to review the advances that have taken place in our …

Informational masking

G Kidd Jr, CR Mason, VM Richards, FJ Gallun… - Auditory perception of …, 2008‏ - Springer
The problem of perceiving the sounds emanating from a particular sound source becomes
much more difficult when sounds from other independent sources occur at the same time …

A unitary model of pitch perception

R Meddis, L O'Mard - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1997‏ -
A model of the mechanism of residue pitch perception is revisited. It is evaluated in the
context of some new empirical results, and it is proposed that the model is able to reconcile …

[ספר][B] Hearing in birds and reptiles

RJ Dooling, B Lohr, ML Dent - 2000‏ - Springer
The comparative hearing of birds and reptiles should always be considered together. It is
clear from the vertebrate fossil record that birds and reptiles split over 200 million years ago …

Turning down the noise: the benefit of musical training on the aging auditory brain

C Alain, BR Zendel, S Hutka, GM Bidelman - Hearing research, 2014‏ - Elsevier
Age-related decline in hearing abilities is a ubiquitous part of aging, and commonly impacts
speech understanding, especially when there are competing sound sources. While such …

Bottom–up and top–down influences on auditory scene analysis: Evidence from event-related brain potentials.

C Alain, SR Arnott, TW Picton - Journal of Experimental Psychology …, 2001‏ -
The physiological processes underlying the segregation of concurrent sounds were
investigated through the use of event-related brain potentials. The stimuli were complex …

Inharmonic speech reveals the role of harmonicity in the cocktail party problem

S Popham, D Boebinger, DPW Ellis… - Nature …, 2018‏ -
The “cocktail party problem” requires us to discern individual sound sources from mixtures of
sources. The brain must use knowledge of natural sound regularities for this purpose. One …

Pitch, harmonicity and concurrent sound segregation: Psychoacoustical and neurophysiological findings

C Micheyl, AJ Oxenham - Hearing research, 2010‏ - Elsevier
Harmonic complex tones are a particularly important class of sounds found in both speech
and music. Although these sounds contain multiple frequency components, they are usually …