Construction and demolition waste management contributing factors coupled with reduce, reuse, and recycle strategies for effective waste management: A review
Construction and demolition waste (C&DW) as a direct consequence of rapid urbanization is
increasing around the world. C&DW generation has been identified as one of the major …
increasing around the world. C&DW generation has been identified as one of the major …
From a literature review to a multi-perspective framework for reverse logistics barriers and drivers
The emergence of stricter environmental regulations and the growing environmental
consciousness of customers have forced industries to start thinking about environmental …
consciousness of customers have forced industries to start thinking about environmental …
Assessing the prioritization of barriers toward green innovation: small and medium enterprises Nexus
Over recent years, there was a substantial rise globally in the importance of the
environmental agenda for SMEs. The customer becomes now conscious of their consumer …
environmental agenda for SMEs. The customer becomes now conscious of their consumer …
Mechanical properties of concrete mixed with recycled powder produced from construction and demolition waste
Partial replacement of Portland cement with recycled powder (RP) obtained from
construction and demolition (C&D) waste has been highlighted as a sustainable approach …
construction and demolition (C&D) waste has been highlighted as a sustainable approach …
A framework to overcome barriers to green innovation in SMEs using BWM and Fuzzy TOPSIS
Recent years have witnessed a significant rise in exploring the barriers which obstruct
adoption of green practices by SMEs. There is a constant need to innovate in terms of …
adoption of green practices by SMEs. There is a constant need to innovate in terms of …
Identification and analysis of reverse logistics barriers using fuzzy Delphi method and AHP
The environmental consciousness of customers and the emergence of stricter environmental
regulations has pushed industries to think about environmental management by means of …
regulations has pushed industries to think about environmental management by means of …
Barriers analysis for green supply chain management implementation in Indian industries using analytic hierarchy process
Manufacturing industries started adopting the green concept in their supply chain
management recently to focus on environmental issues. But, industries still struggle to …
management recently to focus on environmental issues. But, industries still struggle to …
An ISM approach for the barrier analysis in implementing green supply chain management
As customers are becoming more environmental conscious and governments are making
stricter environmental regulations, the industries need to reduce the environmental impact of …
stricter environmental regulations, the industries need to reduce the environmental impact of …
Green and sustainable practices in the construction industry: A confirmatory factor analysis approach
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to differentiate between sustainable and green
construction and significantly contribute to empirical investigations related to the impact of …
construction and significantly contribute to empirical investigations related to the impact of …
Analyzing the barriers of green textile supply chain management in Southeast Asia using interpretive structural modeling
A Majumdar, SK Sinha - Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2019 - Elsevier
Southeast Asian countries have become the production hub of lean textile and apparel
supply chain. Textile supply chain consumes huge amount of natural resources and emits …
supply chain. Textile supply chain consumes huge amount of natural resources and emits …