Advances in catchment science, hydrochemistry, and aquatic ecology enabled by high-frequency water quality measurements
High-frequency water quality measurements in streams and rivers have expanded in scope
and sophistication during the last two decades. Existing technology allows in situ automated …
and sophistication during the last two decades. Existing technology allows in situ automated …
Catchment concentration–discharge relationships across temporal scales: A review
Processes that drive variability in catchment solute sourcing, transformation, and transport
can be investigated using concentration–discharge (C–Q) relationships. These relationships …
can be investigated using concentration–discharge (C–Q) relationships. These relationships …
Concentration–discharge relationships describe solute and sediment mobilization, reaction, and transport at event and longer timescales
Abstract Concentration–discharge (C‐Q) relationships reflect material sources, storage,
reaction, proximity, and transport in catchments. Differences in hydrologic pathways and …
reaction, proximity, and transport in catchments. Differences in hydrologic pathways and …
A random forest approach to improve estimates of tributary nutrient loading
PDF Isles - Water Research, 2024 - Elsevier
Estimating constituent loads from discrete water quality samples coupled with stream
discharge measurements is critical for management of freshwater resources. Nutrient loads …
discharge measurements is critical for management of freshwater resources. Nutrient loads …
[HTML][HTML] Rainfall and conduit drainage combine to accelerate nitrate loss from a karst agroecosystem: Insights from stable isotope tracing and high-frequency nitrate …
Understanding where nitrate is mobilized from and under what conditions is required to
reduce nitrate loss and protect water quality. Low frequency sampling may inadequately …
reduce nitrate loss and protect water quality. Low frequency sampling may inadequately …
Monitoring the riverine pulse: Applying high‐frequency nitrate data to advance integrative understanding of biogeochemical and hydrological processes
Widespread deployment of sensors that measure river nitrate (NO3−) concentrations has led
to many recent publications in water resources journals including review papers focused on …
to many recent publications in water resources journals including review papers focused on …
Source availability and hydrological connectivity determined nitrate-discharge relationships during rainfall events in karst catchment as revealed by high-frequency …
Karst terrain seasonal monsoonal rainfall is often associated with high concentrations of
nitrate-N in streams draining agricultural land. Such high concentrations can pose problems …
nitrate-N in streams draining agricultural land. Such high concentrations can pose problems …
Making 'chemical cocktails'–Evolution of urban geochemical processes across the periodic table of elements
Urbanization contributes to the formation of novel elemental combinations and signatures in
terrestrial and aquatic watersheds, also known as 'chemical cocktails.'The composition of …
terrestrial and aquatic watersheds, also known as 'chemical cocktails.'The composition of …
Spatial and temporal variability in concentration‐discharge relationships at the event scale
The analysis of concentration‐discharge (C‐Q) relationships from low‐frequency
observations is commonly used to assess solute sources, mobilization, and reactive …
observations is commonly used to assess solute sources, mobilization, and reactive …
[HTML][HTML] Urban landscapes and legacy industry provide hotspots for riverine greenhouse gases: a source-to-sea study of the River Clyde
There is growing global concern that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from water bodies
are increasing because of interactions between nutrient levels and climate warming. This …
are increasing because of interactions between nutrient levels and climate warming. This …