A systematic literature review on serious games evaluation: An application to software project management

A Calderón, M Ruiz - Computers & Education, 2015 - Elsevier
Training that future practitioners receive in software project management is a topic of great
importance. The objective of this systematic literature review is to summarize the current …

Serious games on environmental management

K Madani, TW Pierce, A Mirchi - Sustainable cities and society, 2017 - Elsevier
Serious environmental management games can improve understanding of practical
environmental sustainability challenges by offering opportunities to obtain first-hand …

A serious game for develo** computational thinking and learning introductory computer programming

C Kazimoglu, M Kiernan, L Bacon… - Procedia-Social and …, 2012 - Elsevier
Owing to their ease of engagement and motivational nature, especially for younger age
groups, games have been omnipresent in education since earliest times. More recently …

Teaching Problem Solving Skills using an Educational Game in a Computer Programming Course.

R Mathew, SI Malik, RM Tawafak - Informatics in education, 2019 - ceeol.com
Problem solving skills are considered an important component in learning to program in an
introductory programming (IP) course for novices. This study introduced a PROSOLVE game …

Immersive mixed reality for manufacturing training

M Gonzalez-Franco, R Pizarro, J Cermeron… - Frontiers in Robotics …, 2017 - frontiersin.org
In complex manufacturing a considerable amount of resources is focused on training
workers and develo** new skills. Increasing the effectiveness of those processes and …

[PDF][PDF] Learning programming through games and contests: overview, characterisation and discussion

S Combéfis, G Beresnevičius, V Dagienė - Olympiads in Informatics, 2016 - ioi.te.lv
Learning of programming and, more generally, of computer science concepts is now
reaching the public at large. It is not only reserved for people who studied informatics …

A comprehensive taxonomy for serious games

RP De Lope, N Medina-Medina - Journal of Educational …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
This article highlights the importance of establishing comprehensive taxonomies in the
booming sector of serious games. Although various authors have proposed partial …

[HTML][HTML] Evaluating a gamification proposal for learning usability heuristics: Heureka

R Sobrino-Duque, N Martínez-Rojo… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper presents the results of an educational experiment conducted to determine
whether an automated, card-based gamification strategy has an impact on the learning of …

Enhancing confidence in using computational thinking skills via playing a serious game: A case study to increase motivation in learning computer programming

C Kazimoglu - IEEE Access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Computer Science (CS) is a profession that positively impacts every single area of society
without which today's world would come to a complete halt. Yet, there is a consensus that …

A review of games designed to improve introductory computer programming competencies

A Vahldick, AJ Mendes… - 2014 IEEE frontiers in …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Learning computer programming is not simple for many students. They have to develop
several complex skills to be able to understand programs and, more important, to create …