Advances in quantum cryptography
Quantum cryptography is arguably the fastest growing area in quantum information science.
Novel theoretical protocols are designed on a regular basis, security proofs are constantly …
Novel theoretical protocols are designed on a regular basis, security proofs are constantly …
Solid-state single-photon emitters
Single-photon emitters play an important role in many leading quantum technologies. There
is still no'ideal'on-demand single-photon emitter, but a plethora of promising material …
is still no'ideal'on-demand single-photon emitter, but a plethora of promising material …
600-km repeater-like quantum communications with dual-band stabilization
Twin-field (TF) quantum key distribution (QKD) fundamentally alters the rate-distance
relationship of QKD, offering the scaling of a single-node quantum repeater. Although recent …
relationship of QKD, offering the scaling of a single-node quantum repeater. Although recent …
Experimental quantum key distribution beyond the repeaterless secret key capacity
Quantum communications promise to revolutionize the way information is exchanged and
protected. Unlike their classical counterpart, they are based on dim optical pulses that …
protected. Unlike their classical counterpart, they are based on dim optical pulses that …
A link layer protocol for quantum networks
Quantum communication brings radically new capabilities that are provably impossible to
attain in any classical network. Here, we take the first step from a physics experiment to a …
attain in any classical network. Here, we take the first step from a physics experiment to a …
Netsquid, a network simulator for quantum information using discrete events
In order to bring quantum networks into the real world, we would like to determine the
requirements of quantum network protocols including the underlying quantum hardware …
requirements of quantum network protocols including the underlying quantum hardware …
Routing entanglement in the quantum internet
Remote quantum entanglement can enable numerous applications including distributed
quantum computation, secure communication, and precision sensing. We consider how a …
quantum computation, secure communication, and precision sensing. We consider how a …
[HTML][HTML] On-demand generation of background-free single photons from a solid-state source
True on-demand high-repetition-rate single-photon sources are highly sought after for
quantum information processing applications. However, any coherently driven two-level …
quantum information processing applications. However, any coherently driven two-level …
Quantum key distribution with entangled photons generated on demand by a quantum dot
Quantum key distribution—exchanging a random secret key relying on a quantum
mechanical resource—is the core feature of secure quantum networks. Entanglement-based …
mechanical resource—is the core feature of secure quantum networks. Entanglement-based …
ARQUIN: architectures for multinode superconducting quantum computers
Many proposals to scale quantum technology rely on modular or distributed designs
wherein individual quantum processors, called nodes, are linked together to form one large …
wherein individual quantum processors, called nodes, are linked together to form one large …