High-dimensional discrete Fourier transform gates with a quantum frequency processor
The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is of fundamental interest in photonic quantum
information, yet the ability to scale it to high dimensions depends heavily on the physical …
information, yet the ability to scale it to high dimensions depends heavily on the physical …
Characterization of quantum frequency processors
Frequency-bin qubits possess unique synergies with wavelength-multiplexed lightwave
communications, suggesting valuable opportunities for quantum networking with the existing …
communications, suggesting valuable opportunities for quantum networking with the existing …
Optical Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill Qubit Generation via Approximate Squeezed Schr\" odinger Cat State Breeding
AJ Pizzimenti, D Soh - ar** a practical model for noise in entangled photon detection
We develop a comprehensive model for the effective two-photon density matrix produced by
a parametric source of entangled photon pairs under a variety of detector configurations …
a parametric source of entangled photon pairs under a variety of detector configurations …
Quantum Networking and Communications at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
In this article we review recent and ongoing research in quantum communications and
networking within the Quantum Information Science Section at Oak Ridge National …
networking within the Quantum Information Science Section at Oak Ridge National …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring the possibility of a complex-valued non-Gaussianity measure for quantum states of light
We consider a quantity that is the differential relative entropy between a generic Wigner
function and a Gaussian one. We prove that said quantity is minimized with respect to its …
function and a Gaussian one. We prove that said quantity is minimized with respect to its …