Instrumentation for in vivo ultrasonic characterization of bone strength
P Laugier - IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Although it has been more than 20 years since the first recorded use of a quantitative
ultrasound (QUS) technology to predict bone fragility, the field has not yet reached its …
ultrasound (QUS) technology to predict bone fragility, the field has not yet reached its …
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound for bone healing: an overview
KN Malizos, ME Hantes, V Protopappas… - Injury, 2006 - Elsevier
Low-intensity ultrasound is a biophysical form of intervention in the fracture-repair process,
which through several mechanisms accelerates healing of fresh fractures and enhances …
which through several mechanisms accelerates healing of fresh fractures and enhances …
[BOK][B] Bone quantitative ultrasound
Bone quantitative ultrasound Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1364 Pascal
Laugier Quentin Grimal Editors Bone Quantitative Ultrasound New Horizons Page 2 Advances …
Laugier Quentin Grimal Editors Bone Quantitative Ultrasound New Horizons Page 2 Advances …
Three-dimensional simulations of ultrasonic axial transmission velocity measurement on cortical bone models
The ultrasonic axial transmission technique, used to assess cortical shells of long bones, is
investigated using numerical simulations based on a three-dimensional (3D) finite difference …
investigated using numerical simulations based on a three-dimensional (3D) finite difference …
Guided ultrasonic waves in long bones: modelling, experiment and in vivo application
PHF Nicholson, P Moilanen, T Kärkkäinen… - Physiological …, 2002 - iopscience.iop.org
Existing ultrasound devices for assessing the human tibia are based on detecting the first
arriving signal, corresponding to a wave propagating at, or close to, the bulk longitudinal …
arriving signal, corresponding to a wave propagating at, or close to, the bulk longitudinal …
Ultrasonic guided waves in bone
P Moilanen - IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recent progress in quantitative ultrasound (QUS) has shown increasing interest toward
measuring long bones by ultrasonic guided waves. This technology is widely used in the …
measuring long bones by ultrasonic guided waves. This technology is widely used in the …
In vivo ultrasound imaging of the bone cortex
Current clinical ultrasound scanners cannot be used to image the interior morphology of
bones because these scanners fail to address the complicated physics involved for exact …
bones because these scanners fail to address the complicated physics involved for exact …
Guided wave phase velocity measurement using multi-emitter and multi-receiver arrays in the axial transmission configuration
This paper is devoted to a method of extraction of guided waves phase velocities from
experimental signals. Measurements are performed using an axial transmission device …
experimental signals. Measurements are performed using an axial transmission device …
Bidirectional axial transmission can improve accuracy and precision of ultrasonic velocity measurement in cortical bone: a validation on test materials
E Bossy, M Talmant, M Defontaine… - IEEE transactions on …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The axial transmission technique uses a linear arrangement of ultrasonic emitters and
receivers placed on a same side of a cortical bone site in contact with the skin, involving …
receivers placed on a same side of a cortical bone site in contact with the skin, involving …
Guided ultrasound wave propagation in intact and healing long bones
Ultrasonic evaluation of bone fracture healing has been traditionally based on the
measurement of the propagation velocity of the first arriving signal (FAS). However, the FAS …
measurement of the propagation velocity of the first arriving signal (FAS). However, the FAS …