[PDF][PDF] Factors that Significantly Impact the Implementation of an Agile Software Development Methodology.
JA Livermore - J. Softw., 2008 - academia.edu
A number of the factors that impact the implementation of an agile development
methodology are completely under the control of management. Organizations that are …
methodology are completely under the control of management. Organizations that are …
[КНИГА][B] Object modeling for user-centered development and user interface design: the wisdom approach
DNJ Nunes - 2001 - search.proquest.com
In this thesis we study the invariant rings for the Sylow p-subgroups of the nite classical
groups. We have successfully constructed presentations for the invariant rings for the Sylow …
groups. We have successfully constructed presentations for the invariant rings for the Sylow …
Towards a UML profile for interaction design: the Wisdom approach
N Jardim Nunes, J Falcão Cunha - International Conference on the Unified …, 2000 - Springer
The UML is recognized to be the dominant diagrammatic modeling language in the software
industry. However, it's support for building interactive systems is still acknowledged to be …
industry. However, it's support for building interactive systems is still acknowledged to be …
Wisdom: a software engineering method for small software development companies
Wisdom is a new software engineering method addressing the specific needs of small teams
that develop and maintain interactive systems. Because Wisdom defines a process, notation …
that develop and maintain interactive systems. Because Wisdom defines a process, notation …
Invoking principles of groupware to develop and evaluate present and future human-agent teams
Advances in artificial intelligence are constantly increasing its validity as a team member
enabling it to effectively work alongside humans and other artificial teammates …
enabling it to effectively work alongside humans and other artificial teammates …
[КНИГА][B] Object modelling of interactive systems: the UMLi approach
PP Da Silva - 2002 - search.proquest.com
Abstract The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standardised notation for creating
software application designs in a object-oriented manner. Developers should be able to …
software application designs in a object-oriented manner. Developers should be able to …
Canonsketch: A user-centered tool for canonical abstract prototy**
In this paper, we argue that current user interface modeling tools are developed using a
formalism-centric approach that does not support the needs of modern software …
formalism-centric approach that does not support the needs of modern software …
Adaptive interface ecosystems in smart cities control systems
AJ Sánchez, S Rodríguez, F de la Prieta… - Future Generation …, 2019 - Elsevier
Recently it is possible to find a lot of studies that propose the improvement of user interfaces
in Smart Cities data analysis systems. In general, these proposals tend to take too much …
in Smart Cities data analysis systems. In general, these proposals tend to take too much …
The beautification process in model-driven engineering of user interfaces
I Pederiva, J Vanderdonckt, S España, I Panach… - … –INTERACT 2007: 11th …, 2007 - Springer
The beautification of a user interface resulting from model-to-model and model-to-code
transformations in Model-Driven Architecture consists of performing manual changes to …
transformations in Model-Driven Architecture consists of performing manual changes to …
CAP3: context-sensitive abstract user interface specification
J Van den Bergh, K Luyten, K Coninx - Proceedings of the 3rd ACM …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
Despite the fact many proposals have been made for abstract user interface models it was
not given a detailed context in which it should or could be used in a user-centered design …
not given a detailed context in which it should or could be used in a user-centered design …