The avian gut microbiota: community, physiology and function in wild birds
Gastrointestinal microbiota play a vital role in maintaining organismal health, through
facilitating nutrient uptake, detoxification and interactions with the immune system. The …
facilitating nutrient uptake, detoxification and interactions with the immune system. The …
Exploring the avian gut microbiota: current trends and future directions
Birds represent a diverse and evolutionarily successful lineage, occupying a wide range of
niches throughout the world. Like all vertebrates, avians harbor diverse communities of …
niches throughout the world. Like all vertebrates, avians harbor diverse communities of …
Characterizing the avian gut microbiota: membership, driving influences, and potential function
Birds represent a diverse and evolutionarily successful lineage, occupying a wide range of
niches throughout the world. Like all vertebrates, avians harbor diverse communities of …
niches throughout the world. Like all vertebrates, avians harbor diverse communities of …
Comparative gut microbiota of 59 neotropical bird species
The gut microbiota of vertebrates are essential to host health. Most non-model vertebrates,
however, lack even a basic description of natural gut microbiota biodiversity. Here, we …
however, lack even a basic description of natural gut microbiota biodiversity. Here, we …
Application of bio-organic fertilizer can control Fusarium wilt of cucumber plants by regulating microbial community of rhizosphere soil
Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum JH Owen, results in
considerable yield losses for cucumber plants. A bio-organic fertilizer (BIO), which was a …
considerable yield losses for cucumber plants. A bio-organic fertilizer (BIO), which was a …
[КНИГА][B] Antarctic climate change and the environment
J Turner, R Bindschadler, P Convey, G Di Prisco… - 2009 - epic.awi.de
To understand how planet Earth works we study it increasingly as a system–a collection of
interdependent parts or spheres–the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, the …
interdependent parts or spheres–the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, the …
Diversity and function of the avian gut microbiota
KD Kohl - Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 2012 - Springer
The intestinal microbiota have now been shown to largely affect host health through various
functional roles in terms of nutrition, immunity, and other physiological systems. However …
functional roles in terms of nutrition, immunity, and other physiological systems. However …
Bacterial diversity in rhizosphere soil from Antarctic vascular plants of Admiralty Bay, maritime Antarctica
The Antarctic is a pristine environment that contributes to the maintenance of the global
climate equilibrium. The harsh conditions of this habitat are fundamental to selecting those …
climate equilibrium. The harsh conditions of this habitat are fundamental to selecting those …
Diet and phylogeny shape the gut microbiota of A ntarctic seals: a comparison of wild and captive animals
The gut microbiota of mammals underpins the metabolic capacity and health of the host. Our
understanding of what influences the composition of this community has been limited …
understanding of what influences the composition of this community has been limited …
[HTML][HTML] Microbial community composition of the Antarctic ecosystems: review of the bacteria, fungi, and archaea identified through an NGS-based metagenomics …
VV Doytchinov, SG Dimov - Life, 2022 - mdpi.com
Antarctica represents a unique environment, both due to the extreme meteorological and
geological conditions that govern it and the relative isolation from human influences that …
geological conditions that govern it and the relative isolation from human influences that …