Cronos: Enhancing deep learning with scalable gpu accelerated convex neural networks
We introduce the CRONOS algorithm for convex optimization of two-layer neural networks.
CRONOS is the first algorithm capable of scaling to high-dimensional datasets such as …
CRONOS is the first algorithm capable of scaling to high-dimensional datasets such as …
Convergence and rate analysis of a proximal linearized ADMM for nonconvex nonsmooth optimization
M Yashtini - Journal of Global Optimization, 2022 - Springer
In this paper, we consider a proximal linearized alternating direction method of multipliers, or
PL-ADMM, for solving linearly constrained nonconvex and possibly nonsmooth optimization …
PL-ADMM, for solving linearly constrained nonconvex and possibly nonsmooth optimization …
Decentralized inexact proximal gradient method with network-independent stepsizes for convex composite optimization
This paper proposes a novel CTA (Combine-Then-Adapt)-based decentralized algorithm for
solving convex composite optimization problems over undirected and connected networks …
solving convex composite optimization problems over undirected and connected networks …
Accelerated primal-dual methods for linearly constrained convex optimization problems
H Luo - arxiv preprint arxiv:2109.12604, 2021 - arxiv.org
This work proposes an accelerated primal-dual dynamical system for affine constrained
convex optimization and presents a class of primal-dual methods with nonergodic …
convex optimization and presents a class of primal-dual methods with nonergodic …
A primal-dual flow for affine constrained convex optimization
H Luo - ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of …, 2022 - esaim-cocv.org
We introduce a novel primal-dual flow for affine constrained convex optimization problems.
As a modification of the standard saddle-point system, our flow model is proved to possess …
As a modification of the standard saddle-point system, our flow model is proved to possess …
DISA: A dual inexact splitting algorithm for distributed convex composite optimization
In this article, we propose a novel dual inexact splitting algorithm (DISA) for distributed
convex composite optimization problems, where the local loss function consists of a smooth …
convex composite optimization problems, where the local loss function consists of a smooth …
Scaled relative graphs: Nonexpansive operators via 2D Euclidean geometry
Many iterative methods in applied mathematics can be thought of as fixed-point iterations,
and such algorithms are usually analyzed analytically, with inequalities. In this paper, we …
and such algorithms are usually analyzed analytically, with inequalities. In this paper, we …
Extensions of ADMM for separable convex optimization problems with linear equality or inequality constraints
The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) proposed by Glowinski and
Marrocco is a benchmark algorithm for two-block separable convex optimization problems …
Marrocco is a benchmark algorithm for two-block separable convex optimization problems …
On the infimal sub-differential size of primal-dual hybrid gradient method and beyond
Primal-dual hybrid gradient method (PDHG, aka Chambolle and Pock method) is a well-
studied algorithm for minimax optimization problems with a bilinear interaction term …
studied algorithm for minimax optimization problems with a bilinear interaction term …
Convergence on a symmetric accelerated stochastic ADMM with larger stepsizes
In this paper, we develop a symmetric accelerated stochastic Alternating Direction Method of
Multipliers (SAS-ADMM) for solving separable convex optimization problems with linear …
Multipliers (SAS-ADMM) for solving separable convex optimization problems with linear …