Leveraging big data analytics for understanding consumer behavior in digital marketing: A systematic review
The integration of big data analytics in digital marketing has fundamentally transformed how
organizations understand and influence consumer behavior. This systematic review …
organizations understand and influence consumer behavior. This systematic review …
How do consumers evaluate products in virtual reality? A literature review for a research agenda
Purpose This paper aims to review the existing literature about consumers' evaluation of
products in virtual reality (VR), provide an accurate overview of this field, systematise the …
products in virtual reality (VR), provide an accurate overview of this field, systematise the …
Virtual is so real! Consumers' evaluation of product packaging in virtual reality
Virtual Reality (VR) is sha** all human activities, and with the advent of the metaverse,
buyers are going to experience new ways of doing shop**. What would happen if …
buyers are going to experience new ways of doing shop**. What would happen if …
How consumer digital signals are resha** the customer journey
Marketers are adopting increasingly sophisticated ways to engage with customers
throughout their journeys. We extend prior perspectives on the customer journey by …
throughout their journeys. We extend prior perspectives on the customer journey by …
Privacy concerns in consumer E-commerce activities and response to social media advertising: Empirical evidence from Europe
This research quantifies how privacy concerns and consumer characteristics are associated
with e-commerce participation and consumer response to social media advertising by …
with e-commerce participation and consumer response to social media advertising by …
Innovation in the digital economy: A broader view of its scope, antecedents, and consequences
In mid-2018, John Hulland approached the two of us, asking us to co-edit a JAMS special
issue around the general theme of “Innovating in the Digital Economy: Leveraging …
issue around the general theme of “Innovating in the Digital Economy: Leveraging …
We are just 10 feet away! How does location-based advertising affect consumer-brand engagement?
Location-based advertising is continuing to grow in popularity among brands and retailers to
deliver marketing messages and promotions. However, little is known about how and why …
deliver marketing messages and promotions. However, little is known about how and why …
Understanding programmatic TV advertising
Television is undergoing tremendous technological developments, which will enable
marketers to direct commercial messages to more specific audiences at the individual and/or …
marketers to direct commercial messages to more specific audiences at the individual and/or …
Marketing innovations and digital technologies: A systematic review, proposed framework, and future research agenda
In recent years, scholars and practitioners have increasingly recognized the profound impact
of digital technologies (DTs) on resha** organizations' value propositions and their ability …
of digital technologies (DTs) on resha** organizations' value propositions and their ability …
Virtual reality in retailing: a meta-analysis to determine the purchase and non-purchase behavioural intention of consumers
Purpose The purpose of this meta-analysis is to encapsulate the outcomes and generate
meaningful conclusions by examining the factors that influence consumers' purchase and …
meaningful conclusions by examining the factors that influence consumers' purchase and …