Vulnerability and resilience of transport systems–A discussion of recent research

LG Mattsson, E Jenelius - Transportation research part A: policy and …, 2015‏ - Elsevier
The transport system is critical to the welfare of modern societies. This article provides an
overview of recent research on vulnerability and resilience of transport systems. Definitions …

[HTML][HTML] Assessment of land use land cover changes and future predictions using CA-ANN simulation for Selangor, Malaysia

MF Baig, MRU Mustafa, I Baig, HB Takaijudin… - Water, 2022‏ -
Land use land cover (LULC) has altered dramatically because of anthropogenic activities,
particularly in places where climate change and population growth are severe. The …

Performance evaluation of the GIS-based data mining techniques of best-first decision tree, random forest, and naïve Bayes tree for landslide susceptibility modeling

W Chen, S Zhang, R Li, H Shahabi - Science of the total environment, 2018‏ - Elsevier
The main aim of the present study is to explore and compare three state-of-the art data
mining techniques, best-first decision tree, random forest, and naïve Bayes tree, for landslide …

[HTML][HTML] An integrated approach of machine learning, remote sensing, and GIS data for the landslide susceptibility map**

I Ullah, B Aslam, SHIA Shah, A Tariq, S Qin, M Majeed… - Land, 2022‏ -
Landslides triggered in mountainous areas can have catastrophic consequences, threaten
human life, and cause billions of dollars in economic losses. Hence, it is imperative to map …

Landslide susceptibility assessment in Lianhua County (China): a comparison between a random forest data mining technique and bivariate and multivariate …

H Hong, HR Pourghasemi, ZS Pourtaghi - Geomorphology, 2016‏ - Elsevier
Landslides are an important natural hazard that causes a great amount of damage around
the world every year, especially during the rainy season. The Lianhua area is located in the …

Risk assessment and its influencing factors analysis of geological hazards in typical mountain environment

J Lin, W Chen, X Qi, H Hou - Journal of cleaner production, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Fujian Province is a typical mountainous environment, where regional geological hazards
occur frequently, posing serious threats to the safety of local residents' lives and property …

Effect of the slope angle and its classification on landslide

S Çellek - Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences …, 2020‏ -
The phase after the determination of the landslide area in landslide susceptibility studies is
the selection of methods and parameters to be used. Approximately 1500 randomly selected …

Rail transport system vulnerability analysis and policy implementation: Past progress and future directions

WT Hong, G Clifton, JD Nelson - Transport Policy, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Abstract Analysis of the vulnerability of rail transport systems has received considerable
attention in the literature over several decades. Since economic development is usually …

Cultural heritage management and monitoring using remote sensing data and GIS: The case study of Paphos area, Cyprus

A Agapiou, V Lysandrou, DD Alexakis… - … Environment and Urban …, 2015‏ - Elsevier
Cultural heritage (CH) sites are threatened from a variety of natural and anthropogenic
factors. Innovative and cost effective tools for systematic monitoring of landscapes and CH …

A series of spatio-temporal analyses and predicting modeling of land use and land cover changes using an integrated Markov chain and cellular automata models

A Tariq, F Mumtaz - Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023‏ - Springer
For sustainable land cover planning, spatial land cover models are essential. Deforestation,
loss of agriculture, and conversion of pasture land to urban and industrial uses are only …