Feature learning based deep supervised hashing with pairwise labels
Recent years have witnessed wide application of hashing for large-scale image retrieval.
However, most existing hashing methods are based on hand-crafted features which might …
However, most existing hashing methods are based on hand-crafted features which might …
Supervised discrete hashing
Recently, learning based hashing techniques have attracted broad research interests due to
the resulting efficient storage and retrieval of images, videos, documents, etc. However, a …
the resulting efficient storage and retrieval of images, videos, documents, etc. However, a …
Simultaneous feature learning and hash coding with deep neural networks
Similarity-preserving hashing is a widely-used method for nearest neighbour search in large-
scale image retrieval tasks. For most existing hashing methods, an image is first encoded as …
scale image retrieval tasks. For most existing hashing methods, an image is first encoded as …
Learning to hash for indexing big data—A survey
The explosive growth in Big Data has attracted much attention in designing efficient indexing
and search methods recently. In many critical applications such as large-scale search and …
and search methods recently. In many critical applications such as large-scale search and …
Deep semantic ranking based hashing for multi-label image retrieval
With the rapid growth of web images, hashing has received increasing interests in large
scale image retrieval. Research efforts have been devoted to learning compact binary codes …
scale image retrieval. Research efforts have been devoted to learning compact binary codes …
Discrete graph hashing
Hashing has emerged as a popular technique for fast nearest neighbor search in gigantic
databases. In particular, learning based hashing has received considerable attention due to …
databases. In particular, learning based hashing has received considerable attention due to …
Hashing for similarity search: A survey
Similarity search (nearest neighbor search) is a problem of pursuing the data items whose
distances to a query item are the smallest from a large database. Various methods have …
distances to a query item are the smallest from a large database. Various methods have …
Bit-scalable deep hashing with regularized similarity learning for image retrieval and person re-identification
Extracting informative image features and learning effective approximate hashing functions
are two crucial steps in image retrieval. Conventional methods often study these two steps …
are two crucial steps in image retrieval. Conventional methods often study these two steps …
Boolean decision rules via column generation
This paper considers the learning of Boolean rules in either disjunctive normal form (DNF,
OR-of-ANDs, equivalent to decision rule sets) or conjunctive normal form (CNF, AND-of …
OR-of-ANDs, equivalent to decision rule sets) or conjunctive normal form (CNF, AND-of …
Deep supervised hashing with triplet labels
Hashing is one of the most popular and powerful approximate nearest neighbor search
techniques for large-scale image retrieval. Most traditional hashing methods first represent …
techniques for large-scale image retrieval. Most traditional hashing methods first represent …