[KIRJA][B] Nests, eggs, and incubation: new ideas about avian reproduction
DC Deeming, SJ Reynolds - 2015 - books.google.com
Incubating new ideas about avian reproduction/SJ Reynolds & DC Deeming--The fossil
record and evolution of avian egg nesting and incubation/DC Deeming--Nest construction …
record and evolution of avian egg nesting and incubation/DC Deeming--Nest construction …
The sensitivity of breeding songbirds to changes in seasonal timing is linked to population change but cannot be directly attributed to the effects of trophic asynchrony …
A consequence of climate change has been an advance in the timing of seasonal events.
Differences in the rate of advance between trophic levels may result in predators becoming …
Differences in the rate of advance between trophic levels may result in predators becoming …
Patterns in greater sage‐grouse population dynamics correspond with public grazing records at broad scales
Human land use, such as livestock grazing, can have profound yet varied effects on wildlife
interacting within common ecosystems, yet our understanding of land‐use effects is often …
interacting within common ecosystems, yet our understanding of land‐use effects is often …
Ecology and life history predict avian nest success in the global tropics
Nest predation rates critically influence avian biodiversity and evolution. In the north
temperate zone, increased nest failure along edges of forest fragments is hypothesized to …
temperate zone, increased nest failure along edges of forest fragments is hypothesized to …
Demography of a widespread raptor across disparate regions
Demographic differences between stable and declining populations can lend insight into
drivers of population decline. The American Kestrel Falco sparverius is a widespread and …
drivers of population decline. The American Kestrel Falco sparverius is a widespread and …
Autumn migratory timing and pace are driven by breeding season carryover effects
Highlights•We examined whether departure timing affects barn swallows' pace of autumn
migration.•Daily flight speeds during migration were unrelated to departure timing.•Late …
migration.•Daily flight speeds during migration were unrelated to departure timing.•Late …
Nest-site choice and nest construction in non-avian reptiles: evolutionary significance and ecological implications
JM Refsnider - Avian Biology Research, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
In oviparous animals, nest-site choice is both a critical determinant of an individual's lifetime
fitness, and an important demographic parameter of populations. At the individual level, the …
fitness, and an important demographic parameter of populations. At the individual level, the …
High nest failure but better nestling quality for early breeders in an alpine population of Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Climate change is leading to the advancement of spring conditions, resulting in an earlier
snowmelt and green‐up, with highest rates of change in highly seasonal environments …
snowmelt and green‐up, with highest rates of change in highly seasonal environments …
Disturbed Amazonian forests support diminished breeding bird communities
Twenty percent of the Brazilian Amazon has now been deforested, and deforestation rates
are increasing. This compels us to evaluate the conservation potential of human-modified …
are increasing. This compels us to evaluate the conservation potential of human-modified …
Converting exotic forages to native warm-season grass can increase avian productivity in beef production systems
Grasslands are among the most imperiled ecosystems in the world, and establishment of
exotic forage grasses and management for uniform utilization may have contributed to …
exotic forage grasses and management for uniform utilization may have contributed to …