Power systems optimization under uncertainty: A review of methods and applications
Electric power systems and the companies and customers that interact with them are
experiencing increasing levels of uncertainty due to factors such as renewable energy …
experiencing increasing levels of uncertainty due to factors such as renewable energy …
A critical survey of integrated energy system: Summaries, methodologies and analysis
D Song, W Meng, M Dong, J Yang, J Wang… - Energy Conversion and …, 2022 - Elsevier
With a rapid growth of Integrated Energy System (IES) in various scenarios, researches on
IES have attracted extensive attention in the last few decades. Inspired by the ever …
IES have attracted extensive attention in the last few decades. Inspired by the ever …
A state-of-the-art on production planning in Industry 4.0
The Industry 4.0 revolution is changing the manufacturing landscape. A broad set of new
technologies emerged (including software and connected equipment) that digitise …
technologies emerged (including software and connected equipment) that digitise …
Distributionally robust chance-constrained approximate AC-OPF with Wasserstein metric
Chance constrained optimal power flow (OPF) has been recognized as a promising
framework to manage the risk from variable renewable energy (VRE). In the presence of …
framework to manage the risk from variable renewable energy (VRE). In the presence of …
A geometric approach to aggregate flexibility modeling of thermostatically controlled loads
Coordinated aggregation of a large population of thermostatically controlled loads (TCLs)
presents a great potential to provide various ancillary services to the grid. One of the key …
presents a great potential to provide various ancillary services to the grid. One of the key …
Distributionally robust optimal dispatch in the power system with high penetration of wind power based on net load fluctuation data
H Yang, R Liang, Y Yuan, B Chen, S **ang, J Liu… - Applied Energy, 2022 - Elsevier
The power system with high penetration of wind power faces a great challenge for system
dispatch due to the high volatility and intermittency of the wind power. This work proposes a …
dispatch due to the high volatility and intermittency of the wind power. This work proposes a …
A distributionally robust optimization model for unit commitment based on Kullback–Leibler divergence
This paper proposes a new distance-based distributionally robust unit commitment (DB-
DRUC) model via Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, considering volatile wind power …
DRUC) model via Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, considering volatile wind power …
Aggregate operation model for numerous small-capacity distributed energy resources considering uncertainty
Numerous small-capacity distributed energy resources (DERs) pose technical challenges
and increase the management complexity for power system operators. This article proposes …
and increase the management complexity for power system operators. This article proposes …
Distributionally robust chance-constrained energy management for islanded microgrids
With the development of smart grid, energy management becomes critical for reliable and
efficient operation of power systems. In this paper, we develop a chance-constrained energy …
efficient operation of power systems. In this paper, we develop a chance-constrained energy …
Distributionally robust frequency constrained scheduling for an integrated electricity-gas system
Power systems are shifted from conventional bulk generation toward renewable generation.
This trend leads to the frequency security problem due to the decline of system inertia. On …
This trend leads to the frequency security problem due to the decline of system inertia. On …