In search of vigilance: the problem of iatrogenically created psychological phenomena.
PA Hancock - American Psychologist, 2013 - psycnet.apa.org
To what extent are identified psychological processes created in laboratories? The present
work addresses this issue with reference to one particular realm of behavior: vigilance …
work addresses this issue with reference to one particular realm of behavior: vigilance …
[HTML][HTML] Vigilance decrement and enhancement techniques: A review
This paper presents the first comprehensive review on vigilance enhancement using both
conventional and unconventional means, and further discusses the resulting contradictory …
conventional and unconventional means, and further discusses the resulting contradictory …
Driver vigilance in automated vehicles: Hazard detection failures are a matter of time
Objective: The primary aim of the current study was to determine whether monitoring the
roadway for hazards during automated driving results in a vigilance decrement. Background …
roadway for hazards during automated driving results in a vigilance decrement. Background …
E-mail interruptions and individual performance
Interruption of work by e-mail and other communication technologies has become
widespread and ubiquitous. However, our understanding of how such interruptions …
widespread and ubiquitous. However, our understanding of how such interruptions …
Signal salience and the mindlessness theory of vigilance
The present study was designed to explore whether sustained attention tasks can be
adequately described by a mindlessness perspective or a limited resource perspective. One …
adequately described by a mindlessness perspective or a limited resource perspective. One …
The many faces of information technology interruptions: a taxonomy and preliminary investigation of their performance effects
Despite the growing importance of information technology (IT) interruptions for individual
work, very little is known about their nature and consequences. This paper develops a …
work, very little is known about their nature and consequences. This paper develops a …
[PDF][PDF] Profiling task stress with the dundee stress state questionnaire
Task performance is frequently stressful, especially when the task imposes high cognitive
demands. Research has shown that the subjective stress response to performance is …
demands. Research has shown that the subjective stress response to performance is …
Task engagement, cerebral blood flow velocity, and diagnostic monitoring for sustained attention.
Loss of vigilance may lead to impaired performance in various applied settings including
military operations, transportation, and industrial inspection. Individuals differ considerably …
military operations, transportation, and industrial inspection. Individuals differ considerably …
Working memory load and the vigilance decrement
WS Helton, PN Russell - Experimental brain research, 2011 - Springer
In this study, we examined the impact of concurrent verbal and spatial working memory
demands on performance on an alpha-numeric successive target detection task. Seven …
demands on performance on an alpha-numeric successive target detection task. Seven …
Driver vigilance decrement is more severe during automated driving than manual driving
Objective The present study compared the performance, workload, and stress associated
with driver vigilance in two types of vehicle: a traditional, manually operated vehicle, and a …
with driver vigilance in two types of vehicle: a traditional, manually operated vehicle, and a …