[HTML][HTML] Improving water use efficiency in vertical farming: Effects of growing systems, far-red radiation and planting density on lettuce cultivation
L Carotti, A Pistillo, I Zauli, D Meneghello… - Agricultural Water …, 2023 - Elsevier
Vertical farms (VFs) are innovative urban production facilities consisting of multi-level indoor
systems equipped with artificial lighting in which all the environmental conditions are …
systems equipped with artificial lighting in which all the environmental conditions are …
Far-red light and temperature interactively regulate plant growth and morphology of lettuce and basil
Both the spectral quality of light, particularly the ratio of red (R; 600–700 nm) to far-red light
(FR; 700–800 nm), and temperature can regulate phytochrome activities, subsequently …
(FR; 700–800 nm), and temperature can regulate phytochrome activities, subsequently …
Far‐red light enrichment affects gene expression and architecture as well as growth and photosynthesis in rice
M Huber, HJ de Boer, A Romanowski… - Plant, Cell & …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Plants use light as a resource and signal. Photons within the 400–700 nm waveband are
considered photosynthetically active. Far‐red photons (FR, 700–800 nm) are used by plants …
considered photosynthetically active. Far‐red photons (FR, 700–800 nm) are used by plants …
Leaf morphology, optical characteristics and phytochemical traits of butterhead lettuce affected by increasing the far-red photon flux
E Van de Velde, K Steppe… - Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Light and its spectral characteristics are crucial for plant growth and development. The far-
red photon flux mediates many plant processes through the action of phytochrome and also …
red photon flux mediates many plant processes through the action of phytochrome and also …
Improving the predictive value of phytochrome photoequilibrium: Consideration of spectral distortion within a leaf
The ratio of active phytochrome (Pfr) to total phytochrome (Pr+ Pfr), called phytochrome
photo-equilibrium (PPE; also called phytochrome photostationary state, PSS) has been used …
photo-equilibrium (PPE; also called phytochrome photostationary state, PSS) has been used …
[HTML][HTML] Far-red radiation management for lettuce growth: Physiological and morphological features leading to energy optimization in vertical farming
L Carotti, A Pistillo, I Zauli, G Pennisi, M Martin… - Scientia …, 2024 - Elsevier
Recently, far-red wavelengths (FR, 700–750 nm) have been largely investigated in indoor
cultivation systems due to their morphological effects on plants (eg, leaf expansion and stem …
cultivation systems due to their morphological effects on plants (eg, leaf expansion and stem …
[HTML][HTML] Far-red radiation increases flower and fruit abortion in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
Fruit set is a crucial plant developmental process, determining yield in many crops. Pepper
(Capsicum annuum L.) is a crop with poor fruit set as typically about two-thirds of all flowers …
(Capsicum annuum L.) is a crop with poor fruit set as typically about two-thirds of all flowers …
Growth, flowering, and fruit production of strawberry 'Albion'in response to photoperiod and photosynthetic photon flux density of sole-source lighting
Beyond producing leafy greens, there is a growing interest in strawberry production on
indoor vertical farms. Considering that sole-source lighting is one of the most important …
indoor vertical farms. Considering that sole-source lighting is one of the most important …
Spectral-conversion film potential for greenhouses: Utility of green-to-red photons conversion and far-red filtration for plant growth
Although green (G, 500 to 600 nm) and far-red (FR, 700 to 800 nm) light play important roles
in regulating plant growth and development, they are often considered less useful at …
in regulating plant growth and development, they are often considered less useful at …
Does green really mean go? Increasing the fraction of green photons promotes growth of tomato but not lettuce or cucumber
The photon flux in the green wavelength region is relatively enriched in shade and the
photon flux in the blue region is selectively filtered. In sole source lighting environments …
photon flux in the blue region is selectively filtered. In sole source lighting environments …