[HTML][HTML] Systematic literature review on sustainable consumption from the perspective of companies, people and public policies
UR de Oliveira, TSM Gomes, GG de Oliveira… - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
Sustainable consumption requires that people, companies, and nations promote correct use
of their resources in the interest of environmental protection and ecosystem integrity. Given …
of their resources in the interest of environmental protection and ecosystem integrity. Given …
The rebound effect of material and energy efficiency for the EU and its major trading partners
This study presents a comprehensive analysis and comparison of material and energy
efficiency performances and their rebound effects, providing insights into their implications …
efficiency performances and their rebound effects, providing insights into their implications …
Conserving functionality of relatively rare metals associated with steel life cycles: a review
L Reijnders - Journal of cleaner production, 2016 - Elsevier
Steel often contains relatively rare metals. These metals are geochemically relatively scarce
(having an upper crustal abundance<∼ 0.025 (mass)%) or subject to national stockpiling to …
(having an upper crustal abundance<∼ 0.025 (mass)%) or subject to national stockpiling to …
Comparing energy and material efficiency rebound effects: an exploration of scenarios in the GEM-E3 macroeconomic model
This paper uses the GEM-E3 macroeconomic computable general equilibrium model to
calculate the magnitude of greenhouse gas (GhG) emission rebound effects across a range …
calculate the magnitude of greenhouse gas (GhG) emission rebound effects across a range …
Industrial robots and corporate risk-taking value
G Pu, Y **e, L Wu, K Wang - Finance Research Letters, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper empirically examines the impact of industrial robot application on corporate risk-
taking value using data from Chinese A-share listed manufacturing companies, measured …
taking value using data from Chinese A-share listed manufacturing companies, measured …
Economy-wide rebound effects for non-energetic raw materials
M Pfaff, C Sartorius - Ecological Economics, 2015 - Elsevier
Material efficiency is increasingly being seen as a means to save resources and achieve
greater security of supply. Whether these aims can be achieved to the desired extent …
greater security of supply. Whether these aims can be achieved to the desired extent …
General equilibrium rebound from energy efficiency innovation
D Lemoine - European Economic Review, 2020 - Elsevier
Energy efficiency improvements “rebound” when economic responses undercut their direct
energy savings. I show that general equilibrium channels typically amplify rebound by …
energy savings. I show that general equilibrium channels typically amplify rebound by …
China's rare Earths supply forecast in 2025: a dynamic computable general equilibrium analysis
J Ge, Y Lei, L Zhao - Minerals, 2016 - mdpi.com
The supply of rare earths in China has been the focus of significant attention in recent years.
Due to changes in regulatory policies and the development of strategic emerging industries …
Due to changes in regulatory policies and the development of strategic emerging industries …
[PDF][PDF] O que se tem pesquisado sobre Sustentabilidade Empresarial e sua Evidenciação?
Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar, por meio de uma revisão da literatura, a
evolução do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável e sustentabilidade no decorrer dos …
evolução do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável e sustentabilidade no decorrer dos …
Konsument wobec wyzwań zrównoważonej konsumpcji: zrównoważone zachowania konsumenckie i ich tereminanty
J Zrałek - Prace Naukowe/Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w …, 2018 - bazekon.icm.edu.pl
Wraz ze zwiększaniem się materialnego dobrobytu w krajach rozwiniętych coraz wyraźniej i
na coraz większą skalę ludzkość zaczęła odczuwać negatywne skutki szybkiej …
na coraz większą skalę ludzkość zaczęła odczuwać negatywne skutki szybkiej …