State of the art of coupled thermo–hydro-mechanical–chemical modelling for frozen soils
KQ Li, ZY Yin - Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2024 - Springer
Numerous studies have investigated the coupled multi-field processes in frozen soils,
focusing on the variation in frozen soils and addressing the influences of climate change …
focusing on the variation in frozen soils and addressing the influences of climate change …
[HTML][HTML] Non-local modelling of freezing and thawing of unsaturated soils
A large part of the earth's surface is covered by seasonally or permanently frozen soils.
Considering the negative impact of climate change, future development of such regions can …
Considering the negative impact of climate change, future development of such regions can …
Coupling flow and electric fields to simulate migration and remediation of uranium in groundwater remediated by electroosmosis and a permeable reactive bio-barrier
F Zheng, Y Zhai, W Yue, Y Teng - Journal of Environmental Management, 2023 - Elsevier
Combined remediation technologies are increasingly being considered to uranium
contaminated groundwater, such as the joint utilize of permeable reactive bio-barrier (Bio …
contaminated groundwater, such as the joint utilize of permeable reactive bio-barrier (Bio …
[HTML][HTML] Numerical evaluation of ground source heat pumps in a thawing permafrost region
Permafrost degradation poses significant environmental and geological challenges in Arctic
and subarctic regions, particularly in areas like Umiujaq, Canada. The warming climate …
and subarctic regions, particularly in areas like Umiujaq, Canada. The warming climate …
Effect of uncertain hydrothermal properties and freezing temperature on the thermal process of frozen soil around a single freezing pipe
Thermal engineering calculation of one-dimensional (1-D) freezing is an important evidence
for the evaluation of heat conduction process of artificial ground freezing (AGF). In this work …
for the evaluation of heat conduction process of artificial ground freezing (AGF). In this work …
A hybrid analytical-numerical technique for solving soil temperature during the freezing process
The freeze-thaw cycle associated with climatic seasonality is a common phenomenon in
cold regions affecting a wide range of subsurface processes. Due to the complex and highly …
cold regions affecting a wide range of subsurface processes. Due to the complex and highly …
A bidirectional kinetic reaction model to predict uranium distribution in permeable reactive bio-barrier with high-sulfate environment
F Zheng, Y Teng, J Wang, Y Zhai - Environmental Research, 2024 - Elsevier
The use of permeable reactive bio-barriers (Bio-PRBs) is a develo** method for
remediation of uranium groundwater pollution. However, some remediation effects are …
remediation of uranium groundwater pollution. However, some remediation effects are …