Methods to realize preemption in phased execution models

T Thilakasiri, M Becker - ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing …, 2023 -
Phased execution models are a good solution to tame the increased complexity and
contention of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) multi-core platforms, eg, Acquisition …

Bounding local memory usage of preemptive 3-phase tasks under partitioned fixed-priority scheduling

T Thilakasiri, M Becker - … of the 32nd International Conference on Real …, 2024 -
Phased execution models tame the increased complexity and unpredictability of commercial
off-the-shelf (COTS) multi-core platforms by separating execution from access to shared …

Improved memory contention analysis for the 3-Phase task model

J Arora, SA Rashid, G Nelissen… - 2024 IEEE 30th …, 2024 -
In multiprocessor-based real-time systems, main memory is identified as a major bottleneck
in the worst-case timing analysis of tasks. Phased execution models such as the 3-phase …

Shared resource contention aware schedulability analysis for multiprocessor real-time systems

J Arora, E Tovar, C Maia - Design, Automation and Test in Europe …, 2023 -
Multicore platforms share the hardware resources such as caches, interconnects, and main
memory among all the cores. Due to such sharing, tasks running on different cores compete …

Work-in-Progress: Exploring Limited Preemption Approaches for the Phased Execution Model

T Thilakasiri, M Becker - 2024 IEEE Real-Time Systems …, 2024 -
Phased execution models separate computation from access to shared resources to make
task execution predictable. These task models minimize interference between tasks, making …

Preemptive Phased Execution Models with Scratchpad Memory Requirements

V Rădulescu, AMK Cheng… - 2024 26th International …, 2024 -
There is currently a widespread interest in using phased execution models in the design of
real-time systems, stimulated by their ability to reduce contention in accessing shared …

Shared Resource Contention-Aware Schedulability Analysis of Hard Real-Time Systems

J Arora - 2023 -
Modern commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) multicore processors were introduced to provide
raw computing power and to build energy-efficient and cost-effective solutions. As a …

Distributed Functionality Allocation to Multi-core Computational Nodes

E Hrustic, D Kreho - 2024 -
In previous years, there has been an increase in demand for new functionalities in the
automotive and machinery domains. To meet these requirements, deploying more powerful …

Hypervisor-basierte Partitionierung von Mixed-Criticality-Anwendungen in heterogenen eingebetteten Systemen

F Schade - 2024 -
Eingebettete Systeme bilden die Grundlage für viele Innovationen der letzten Jahrzehnte.
Mit der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung nehmen ihr Funktionsumfang und ihre Bedeutung …

[PDF][PDF] 실시간 멀티코어 임베디드 시스템에서 메모리 간섭 축소를 위한 실행 지연 가능 태스크 실행 모델

장혁수, 박시형, 김형신 - 한국정보기술학회논문지, 2024 -
요 약실시간 임베디드 시스템에 요구되는 기능이 증가함에 따라 멀티코어가 적용되고 있지만
공유 메모리로 인한코어 간 간섭으로 태스크의 실행 시간이 증가할 수 있다. 이를 해결하기 위해 …