Attitudes of medical students toward psychiatry and psychiatry as a career: a systematic review

Z Lyons - Academic Psychiatry, 2013 - Springer
Objective The discipline of psychiatry, and psychiatry as a career option, have been
negatively regarded by medical students for decades. There is a large amount of literature …

WPA guidance on how to combat stigmatization of psychiatry and psychiatrists

N Sartorius, W Gaebel, HR Cleveland… - World …, 2010 -
In 2009 the WPA President established a Task Force that was to examine available
evidence about the stigmatization of psychiatry and psychiatrists and to make …

[КНИГА][B] Paradigms lost: Fighting stigma and the lessons learned

H Stuart, J Arboleda-Florez, N Sartorius - 2011 -
Paradigms Lost challenges key paradigms currently held about the prevention or reduction
of stigma attached to mental illness using evidence and the experience the authors gathered …

Why medical students choose psychiatry-a 20 country cross-sectional survey

K Farooq, GJ Lydall, A Malik, DM Ndetei… - BMC medical …, 2014 - Springer
Background Recruitment to psychiatry is insufficient to meet projected mental health service
needs world-wide. We report on the career plans of final year medical students from 20 …

What attracts medical students towards psychiatry? A review of factors before and during medical school

K Farooq, GJ Lydall, D Bhugra - International Review of Psychiatry, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Potential psychiatrists decide on their careers before, during or after medical school. This
article summarises the literature focusing on the first two groups. Pre-medical school factors …

Images of psychiatry and psychiatrists

H Stuart, N Sartorius, T Liinamaa… - Acta Psychiatrica …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Objective This study surveyed medical teaching faculty to determine their attitudes toward
psychiatry and psychiatrists. Method We conducted a multisite survey of a probability sample …

Associative stigma among mental health professionals in Singapore: a cross-sectional study

L Picco, S Chang, E Abdin, BY Chua, Q Yuan… - BMJ open, 2019 -
Objectives (1) Investigate and explore whether different classes of associative stigma (the
process by which a person experiences stigmatisation as a result of an association with …

Attitudes toward psychiatry: a survey of medical students at the University of Nairobi, Kenya

DM Ndetei, L Khasakhala, F Ongecha-Owuor… - Academic …, 2008 - Springer
Objectives The authors aim to determine the attitudes of University of Nairobi, Kenya,
medical students toward psychiatry. Methods The study design was cross-sectional. Self …

Geriatrics is rewarding but lacks earning potential and prestige: responses from the national medical student survey of attitudes to and perceptions of geriatric …

TD Robbins, T Crocker-Buque… - Age and …, 2011 -
Methods A 39-question online survey was developed by medical students from the
Universities of Nottingham and Oxford with support from an academic geriatrician. The …

The impact of contact with psychiatry on senior medical students' attitudes toward psychiatry

C Holm‐Petersen, S Vinge, J Hansen… - Acta Psychiatrica …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Objective: To investigate the attitudes of Danish medical students as to the attractiveness of
psychiatry as a career possibility and to asses the impact on such attitudes of actual contact …