Why are there more arboreal ant species in primary than in secondary tropical forests?
Species diversity of arboreal arthropods tends to increase during rainforest succession so
that primary forest communities comprise more species than those from secondary …
that primary forest communities comprise more species than those from secondary …
Molecular and morphological recognition of species boundaries in the neglected ant genus Brachymyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): toward a taxonomic revision
CM Ortiz-Sepulveda, B Van Bocxlaer… - Organisms Diversity & …, 2019 - Springer
Brachymyrmex is a neglected genus of Formicinae because of its small body size, soft
mesosoma, and superficially monotonous external morphology. These features have …
mesosoma, and superficially monotonous external morphology. These features have …
Co‐occurrence patterns in a diverse arboreal ant community are explained more by competition than habitat requirements
F Camarota, S Powell, A S. Melo, G Priest… - Ecology and …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
A major goal of community ecology is to identify the patterns of species associations and the
processes that shape them. Arboreal ants are extremely diverse and abundant, making them …
processes that shape them. Arboreal ants are extremely diverse and abundant, making them …
Sampling and analysis methods for ant diversity assessment
The current demand for studies on ants in general and their communities in particular has
exponentially increased during the last decades. Much has already been said about ant …
exponentially increased during the last decades. Much has already been said about ant …
Acrobat ants go global–Origin, evolution and systematics of the genus Crematogaster (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
BB Blaimer - Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 2012 - Elsevier
This study unravels the evolution and biogeographic history of the globally distributed ant
genus Crematogaster on the basis of a molecular phylogeny, reconstructed from five nuclear …
genus Crematogaster on the basis of a molecular phylogeny, reconstructed from five nuclear …
Disentangling the diversity of arboreal ant communities in tropical forest trees
Tropical canopies are known for their high abundance and diversity of ants. However, the
factors which enable coexistence of so many species in trees, and in particular, the role of …
factors which enable coexistence of so many species in trees, and in particular, the role of …
Ant mosaics occur in SE Asian oil palm plantation but not rain forest and are influenced by the presence of nest‐sites and non‐native species
Interaction networks within biotic communities can be dramatically altered by anthropogenic
habitat modification. Ants, an important ecological group, often interact competitively to form …
habitat modification. Ants, an important ecological group, often interact competitively to form …
Verification of Argentine ant defensive compounds and their behavioral effects on heterospecific competitors and conspecific nestmates
Abstract The invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) has become established
worldwide in regions with Mediterranean or subtropical climates. The species typically …
worldwide in regions with Mediterranean or subtropical climates. The species typically …
Diversity and specificity of ant-plant interactions in canopy communities: insights from primary and secondary tropical forests in New Guinea
P Klimes - Ant-Plant Interactions–Impacts of Humans on …, 2017 - books.google.com
Tropical equatorial forests represent one of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth and
harbour the highest species diversity of trees and ants (Lach et al., 2010; Basset et al …
harbour the highest species diversity of trees and ants (Lach et al., 2010; Basset et al …
Tropical land use drives endemic versus exotic ant communities in a global biodiversity hotspot
Understanding how land-use change affects biodiversity is a fundamental step to develop
effective conservation strategies in human-modified tropical landscapes. Here, we analyzed …
effective conservation strategies in human-modified tropical landscapes. Here, we analyzed …