Forest microbiome and global change
Forests influence climate and mitigate global change through the storage of carbon in soils.
In turn, these complex ecosystems face important challenges, including increases in carbon …
In turn, these complex ecosystems face important challenges, including increases in carbon …
Field experiments have enhanced our understanding of drought impacts on terrestrial ecosystems—But where do we go from here?
We review results from field experiments that simulate drought, an ecologically impactful
global change threat that is predicted to increase in magnitude, extent, duration and …
global change threat that is predicted to increase in magnitude, extent, duration and …
Biotic homogenisation and differentiation as directional change in beta diversity: synthesising driver–response relationships to develop conceptual models across …
Biotic homogenisation is defined as decreasing dissimilarity among ecological assemblages
sampled within a given spatial area over time. Biotic differentiation, in turn, is defined as …
sampled within a given spatial area over time. Biotic differentiation, in turn, is defined as …
Fungal communities in soils under global change
Soil fungi play indispensable roles in all ecosystems including the recycling of organic
matter and interactions with plants, both as symbionts and pathogens. Past observations …
matter and interactions with plants, both as symbionts and pathogens. Past observations …
Linking changes in species composition and biomass in a globally distributed grassland experiment
Global change drivers, such as anthropogenic nutrient inputs, are increasing globally.
Nutrient deposition simultaneously alters plant biodiversity, species composition and …
Nutrient deposition simultaneously alters plant biodiversity, species composition and …
Local biodiversity change reflects interactions among changing abundance, evenness, and richness
Biodiversity metrics often integrate data on the presence and abundance of multiple species.
Yet our understanding of covariation between changes to the numbers of individuals, the …
Yet our understanding of covariation between changes to the numbers of individuals, the …
Biodiversity promotes urban ecosystem functioning
The proportion of people living in urban areas is growing globally. Understanding how to
manage urban biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and ecosystem services is becoming more …
manage urban biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and ecosystem services is becoming more …
Global change re‐structures alpine plant communities through interacting abiotic and biotic effects
Global change is altering patterns of community assembly, with net outcomes dependent on
species' responses to the abiotic environment, both directly and mediated through biotic …
species' responses to the abiotic environment, both directly and mediated through biotic …
Biodiversity showed positive effects on resistance but mixed effects on resilience to climatic extremes in a long-term grassland experiment
Understanding the role of biodiversity in maintaining ecosystem functioning and stability
under increasing frequency and magnitude of climatic extremes has fascinated ecologists …
under increasing frequency and magnitude of climatic extremes has fascinated ecologists …
Land use modified impacts of global change factors on soil microbial structure and function: A global hierarchical meta-analysis
Nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems is critical for biodiversity, vegetation productivity
and biogeochemical cycling. However, little is known about the response of functional …
and biogeochemical cycling. However, little is known about the response of functional …