Human factors considerations and metrics in shared space human-robot collaboration: A systematic review
The degree of successful human-robot collaboration is dependent on the joint consideration
of robot factors (RF) and human factors (HF). Depending on the state of the operator, a …
of robot factors (RF) and human factors (HF). Depending on the state of the operator, a …
Precision micro-milling process: state of the art
Micro-milling is a precision manufacturing process with broad applications across the
biomedical, electronics, aerospace, and aeronautical industries owing to its versatility …
biomedical, electronics, aerospace, and aeronautical industries owing to its versatility …
Burr formation and its treatments—a review
Burrs, being one of the most undesired obstructions generated during machining, affects
work piece quality negatively in many aspects. Although deburring removes burrs, this extra …
work piece quality negatively in many aspects. Although deburring removes burrs, this extra …
Evaluating hole quality in drilling of Al 6061 alloys
Hole quality in drilling is considered a precursor for reliable and secure component
assembly, ensuring product integrity and functioning service life. This paper aims to evaluate …
assembly, ensuring product integrity and functioning service life. This paper aims to evaluate …
Influence of tool wear on chip-like burr formation during micro-milling, and image processing based measurement of inwardly-deflected burrs
During micro-milling, the regular top-burrs usually bend in a direction laterally opposite to
the milled feature. This top-burr morphology changes as the cutting edge condition …
the milled feature. This top-burr morphology changes as the cutting edge condition …
Robot-mounted sensing and local calibration for high-accuracy manufacturing
Positional accuracy is critically important for application of industrial robots in fixtureless
precision manufacturing; thus, this paper presents a method for simultaneously calibrating …
precision manufacturing; thus, this paper presents a method for simultaneously calibrating …
Development of cryogenic assisted machining strategy to reduce the burr formation during micro-milling of ductile material
Micro-milling is an inevitable machining process for the fabrication of products with complex
shapes and high dimensional accuracy. However, this process usually needs post …
shapes and high dimensional accuracy. However, this process usually needs post …
A review on magnetic abrasive finishing
C Qian, Z Fan, Y Tian, Y Liu, J Han, J Wang - The International Journal of …, 2021 - Springer
Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) has attracted much attention as an advanced nano-
finishing technology in achieving high-quality surface for finishing superalloys, composites …
finishing technology in achieving high-quality surface for finishing superalloys, composites …
Advanced thermal energy method for finishing precision parts
Thermal energy method (ТЕМ) and modifications that are successfully used for deburring of
engineered parts by combustible gas mixtures with an excess of oxygen are discussed in …
engineered parts by combustible gas mixtures with an excess of oxygen are discussed in …
Edge finishing of large turbine casings using defined multi-edge and abrasive tools in automated cells
Automate finishing processes is a global challenge in several industrial sectors. Concretely,
when dealing with aero-engine components, only simple finishing processes are automated …
when dealing with aero-engine components, only simple finishing processes are automated …