Analysis, prediction, and control of epidemics: A survey from scalar to dynamic network models

L Zino, M Cao - IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, 2021 -
During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, mathematical models of epidemic spreading have
emerged as powerful tools to produce valuable predictions of the evolution of the pandemic …

Convergence and equilibria analysis of a networked bivirus epidemic model

M Ye, BDO Anderson, J Liu - SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2022 - SIAM
This paper studies a networked bivirus model, in which two competing viruses spread
across a network of interconnected populations; each node represents a population with a …

[KNIHA][B] Topological Obstructions to Stability and Stabilization: History, Recent Advances and Open Problems

W Jongeneel, E Moulay - 2023 -
This open access book provides a unified overview of topological obstructions to the stability
and stabilization of dynamical systems defined on manifolds and an overview that is self …

Convergence of bi-virus epidemic models with non-linear rates on networks—a monotone dynamical systems approach

V Doshi, S Mallick - IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2022 -
We study convergence properties of competing epidemic models of the Susceptible-Infected-
Susceptible () type. The SIS epidemic model has seen widespread popularity in modelling …

Competitive epidemic spreading over networks

M Ye, BDO Anderson - IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2022 -
In this letter, we consider an epidemic model for two competitive viruses spreading over a
metapopulation network, termed the 'bivirus model'for convenience. The dynamics are …

Equilibria analysis of a networked bivirus epidemic model using Poincaré–Hopf and manifold theory

BDO Anderson, M Ye - SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2023 - SIAM
This paper considers a deterministic susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) networked
bivirus epidemic model (termed the bivirus model for short), in which two competing viruses …

A new perspective on cooperative control of multi-agent systems through different types of graph Laplacians

K Cai, M Nagahara - Advanced Robotics, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
In the field of systems and control, many cooperative control problems of multi-agent
systems have been actively studied in the past two decades. This article aims to organize …

Analysis, control, and state estimation for the networked competitive multi-virus SIR model

C Zhang, S Gracy, T Basar, PE Paré - arxiv preprint arxiv:2305.09068, 2023 -
This paper proposes a novel discrete-time multi-virus susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR)
model that captures the spread of competing epidemics over a population network. First, we …

Towards understanding the endemic behavior of a competitive tri-virus SIS networked model

S Gracy, M Ye, BDO Anderson, CA Uribe - SIAM Journal on Applied …, 2024 - SIAM
This paper studies the endemic behavior of a multi-competitive networked susceptible-
infected-susceptible (SIS) model. Specifically, the paper deals with three competing virus …

On the analysis of a higher-order Lotka-Volterra model: An application of S-tensors and the polynomial complementarity problem

S Cui, Q Zhao, G Zhang… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024 -
It is known that the effect of species' density on species' growth is non-additive in real
ecological systems. This challenges the conventional Lotka-Volterra model, where the …