[HTML][HTML] How self-tracking and the quantified self promote health and well-being: systematic review

S Feng, M Mäntymäki, A Dhir, H Salmela - Journal of Medical Internet …, 2021 - jmir.org
Background Self-tracking technologies are widely used in people's daily lives and health
care. Academic research on self-tracking and the quantified self has also accumulated …

Use of digital media for home-based sports activities during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the German SPOVID survey

M Mutz, J Müller, AK Reimers - International Journal of Environmental …, 2021 - mdpi.com
Health authorities recommend digital tools for home-based sport and exercise routines to
stay active and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study investigates the …

'It's made me a lot more aware': a new materialist analysis of health self-tracking

D Lupton - Media International Australia, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
With the advent of apps, other software and wearable devices designed to enable people to
easily monitor and measure details about their bodies, much attention has been paid to the …

[HTML][HTML] Integrating social scientific perspectives on the quantified employee self

T Calvard - Social Sciences, 2019 - mdpi.com
A key technological trend in big data science is that of the quantified self, whereby
individuals can self-track their health and well-being using various sources of information …

Capra: Making use of multiple perspectives for capturing, noticing and revisiting hiking experiences over time

W Odom, J White, S Barnett, N Brand, H Lin… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 - dl.acm.org
As the practice of hiking becomes increasingly captured through personal data, it is timely to
consider what kinds of alternative data encounters might support forms of noticing and …

[Књига][B] Socjologia internetu

D Jemielniak - 2019 - ceeol.com
Ponieważ z Internetu korzystają miliardy osób, mamy współcześnie możliwość śledzenia
siły wpływu nawet bardzo drobnych czynników, których normalnie nie dałoby się dostrzec–z …

Family health promotion in low-SES neighborhoods: A two-month study of wearable activity tracking

H Saksono, C Castaneda-Sceppa, J Hoffman… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
Low-socioeconomic status (SES) families face increased barriers to physical activity (PA)-a
behavior critical for reducing and preventing chronic disease. Research has explored how …

'I don't need a goal': attitudes and practices in fitness tracking beyond WEIRD user groups

J Niess, PW Woźniak, Y Abdelrahman… - Proceedings of the 23rd …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Fitness trackers have the potential for fostering sustained change and increasing well-being.
However, the research community is yet to understand what design features and values …

Giving voice to silent data: Designing with personal music listening history

J Wirfs-Brock, S Mennicken, J Thom - … of the 2020 CHI Conference on …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
Music streaming services collect listener data to support personalization and discovery of
their extensive catalogs. Yet this data is typically used in ways that are not immediately …

Shared motivations, goals and values in the practice of personal science: a community perspective on self-tracking for empirical knowledge

E Senabre Hidalgo, MP Ball, M Opoix… - Humanities and Social …, 2022 - nature.com
Some individuals do not limit their self-tracking efforts to passively collecting and observing
gathered data about themselves, but rather develop it into forms of self-research and self …