Analisis keterampilan berpikir kritis dan self efficacy peserta didik: Dampak PjBL-STEM pada materi ekosistem

TR Allanta, L Puspita - Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA, 2021 -
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dampak PjBL dengan pendekatan STEM terhadap
keterampilan berpikir kritis dan self efficacy peserta didik. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam …

Literature review: tpack-based science learning in supporting teacher quality in indonesia

Y Suharyat, I Ichsan, TA Santosa… - … of Education and …, 2022 -
In the era of globalization, the world of education has made very significant progress in all
fields. All have been based on the use of information and communication technology in the …

Learning Environment and Motivation in Junior High School

TRI SUSANTI, M Maison, T Tanti - Universal Journal of …, 2020 -
Learning Environment and Motivation in Junior High School Page 1 Learning Environment
and Motivation in Junior High School by Maison Maison Submission date: 28-Jun-2020 05:39AM …

[PDF][PDF] Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik Menggunakan Model Think Pair Share Berbantuan Alat Peraga Bahan Bekas

N Hidayah, W Anisa - AR-RIAYAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar, 2019 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan kemampuan berpikir kritis
peserta didik melalui model think pair share yang berbantuan bahan bekas. Berpikir kritis …

Need analysis in the development of HOTS-oriented study project assesment instrument in android-based science learning

F Handayani, H Hartono… - Journal of Research and …, 2019 -
Need analysis in the development of HOTS-oriented project assesment instruments on
Android-based Science learning was carried out with the aim of identifying teacher need …

[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan model problem based learning Berbasis kearifan lokal pada materi Keanekaragaman hayati kelas X Di kabupaten aceh selatan

K Hadi - Bionatural: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi, 2018 -
ABSTRAK Pengembangan model Problem Based Learning
berbasiskearifanlokalmerupakan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran (RPP dan LKS) …

Concept map: Does it increase learning motivation of student?

AD Utami, E Yuliyanto - Journal of Science Education Research, 2020 -
The learning model used by a teacher is a factor that supports the success of learning during
the process of teaching and learning activities. The particular study aimed to determine …

Analisis tingkat motivasi belajar dan berlatih pada atlet-pelajar PPLOP Jawa Tengah tahun 2020

AA Syaukani, N Subekti, M Fatoni - Jurnal Keolahragaan, 2020 -
Pemerintah daerah melalui dinas pemuda dan olahraga memiliki program pemusatan
latihan bagi atlet pelajar setingkat SMA yang bertajuk Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan …

[PDF][PDF] Students' motivation to attend group guidance based on gender and ethnic

R Hariko, H Nirwana, RP Fadli, I Ifdil… - … Journal of Research …, 2021 -
Although group guidance is believed to be an effective and efficient service to facilitate the
development of positive aspects and prevention of negative aspects of students, the …

[PDF][PDF] The effect of problem-based learning multimedia and picture media on students' critical-thinking skills viewed from learning motivation and learning styles in …

LEW Fajari - Ilkogretim Online, 2020 -
This research aims to analyze (1) the effect of the PBL multimedia and picture media on
critical-thinking skills,(2) the effect of learning motivation on critical-thinking skills,(3) the …