6-modified bicyclic nucleic acid analogs

PP Seth, EE Swayze - US Patent 7,399,845, 2008 - Google Patents
(60) Provisional application No. 60/805,660, filed on Jun. 5,403,711 A 4/1995 Walder et al.
23, 2006, provisional application No. 60/762.722, 5,405,938 A 4/1995 Summerton et al. filed …

5′-modified bicyclic nucleic acid analogs

PP Seth, EE Swayze, B Bhat - US Patent 7,547,684, 2009 - Google Patents
The present invention provides 5'-modi? ed bicyclic nucleo side analogs and oligomeric
compounds comprising at least one of these nucleoside analogs. In preferred embodiments …

6-modified bicyclic nucleic acid analogs

PP Seth, EE Swayze - US Patent 7,741,457, 2010 - Google Patents
5,023,243 A 6, 1991 Tullis 5,034,506 A 7, 1991 Summerton et al. 5,118,800 A 6, 1992 Smith
et al. The present invention provides 6-modified bicyclic nucleo 5,130,302 A 7/1992 …

Nucleosidic and non-nucleosidic folate conjugates

AP Guzaev, PD Cook, M Manoharan, B Bhat - US Patent 6,335,434, 2002 - Google Patents
4,828,979 A 5/1989 Klevan et a1_ _ __ 435/6 5,416,016 A 5/1995 Low et al..................
435/240.1 4,835,263 A 5/1989 Nguyen et a1_ 536/27 5,416,203 A 5/1995 …

Compounds and methods for synthesis of bicyclic nucleic acid analogs

B Bhat, J **a, PP Seth, G Vasquez, MT Migawa… - US Patent …, 2009 - Google Patents
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/627,964, 5.405, 938 A 4/1995 Summerton et
al. filed on Jan. 27, 2007, now Pat. No. 7,399,845. 5,405,939 A 4/1995 Suhadolnik et al.(60) …

Oligonucleotide-folate conjugates

PD Cook, M Manoharan, B Bhat - US Patent 6,528,631, 2003 - Google Patents
Haralambidis, J. et al.,“Preparation of base-modified nucleosides Suitable for non-
radioactive label attachment and their incorporation into Synthetic oligodeoxyribonucle …

Amino lipids and methods for the delivery of nucleic acids

MJ Hope, SC Semple, J Chen, TD Madden… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data Gong and Lin," A glassy carbon Supported bilayer lipid-like
mem brane of 5.5-diteradecyl-2-(2-trimethyl-ammonioethyl)-1, 3-(60) Provisional application …

Bis-modified bicyclic nucleic acid analogs

PP Seth, EE Swayze - US Patent 7,666,854, 2010 - Google Patents
The present disclosure describes bis-modified bicyclic nucleosides and oligomeric
compounds that can be prepared comprising at least one of these bis-modified bicyclic …

Substituted alpha-L-bicyclic nucleosides

PP Seth, EE Swayze - US Patent 8,501,805, 2013 - Google Patents
5.30303 A 7/1992 Spielvogel et al. including binding affinity. In some embodiments, the
oligo 5,132,418 A 7, 1992 Caruthers et al. meric compounds provided herein hybridize to a …

Amino lipids and methods for the delivery of nucleic acids

MJ Hope, SC Semple, J Chen, TD Madden… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
US10653780B2 - Amino lipids and methods for the delivery of nucleic acids - Google
Patents US10653780B2 - Amino lipids and methods for the delivery of nucleic acids …