Defining attention from an auditory perspective

AL Noyce, JAC Kwasa… - Wiley Interdisciplinary …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Attention prioritizes certain information at the expense of other information in ways that are
similar across vision, audition, and other sensory modalities. It influences how—and even …

How do we measure attention? Using factor analysis to establish construct validity of neuropsychological tests

M Treviño, X Zhu, YY Lu, LS Scheuer, E Passell… - Cognitive Research …, 2021 - Springer
We investigated whether standardized neuropsychological tests and experimental cognitive
paradigms measure the same cognitive faculties. Specifically, do neuropsychological tests …

Multiple driver distractions: A systemic transport problem

TC Lansdown, AN Stephens, GH Walker - Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2015 - Elsevier
Strategies to contend with driver distraction may no longer be sufficient for the emerging
variety of contemporary driver distractions. A more systematic and systemic approach holds …

Functional evidence for a cerebellar node of the dorsal attention network

JA Brissenden, EJ Levin, DE Osher, MA Halko… - Journal of …, 2016 -
The “dorsal attention network” or “frontoparietal network” refers to a network of cortical
regions that support sustained attention and working memory. Recent work has …

Load dependence of β and γ oscillations predicts individual capacity of visual attention

S Rouhinen, J Panula, JM Palva, S Palva - Journal of Neuroscience, 2013 -
Human capability to concurrently attend and perceive multiple visual objects has a limited
and individual capacity of 2–4 objects. Neuronal mechanisms that support the perception of …

[CARTE][B] Attending to moving objects

A Holcombe - 2023 -
Our minds are severely limited in how much information they can extensively process, in
spite of being massively parallel at the visual end. When people attempt to track moving …

Visual short-term memory activity in parietal lobe reflects cognitive processes beyond attentional selection

SL Sheremata, DC Somers, S Shomstein - Journal of Neuroscience, 2018 -
Visual short-term memory (VSTM) and attention are distinct yet interrelated processes. While
both require selection of information across the visual field, memory additionally requires the …

Automatic feature-based grou** during multiple object tracking.

G Erlikhman, BP Keane, E Mettler… - Journal of …, 2013 -
Contour interpolation automatically binds targets with distractors to impair multiple object
tracking (Keane, Mettler, Tsoi, & Kellman, 2011). Is interpolation special in this regard or can …

Spectral and anatomical patterns of large-scale synchronization predict human attentional capacity

S Rouhinen, F Siebenhühner, JM Palva… - Cerebral …, 2020 -
The capacity of visual attention determines how many visual objects may be perceived at
any moment. This capacity can be investigated with multiple object tracking (MOT) tasks …

Speed has an effect on multiple-object tracking independently of the number of close encounters between targets and distractors

CS Feria - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2013 - Springer
Multiple-object tracking (MOT) studies have shown that tracking ability declines as object
speed increases. However, this might be attributed solely to the increased number of times …