[HTML][HTML] Nature's contributions in co** with a pandemic in the 21st century: A narrative review of evidence during COVID-19
While COVID-19 lockdowns have slowed coronavirus transmission, such structural
measures also have unintended consequences on mental and physical health. Growing …
measures also have unintended consequences on mental and physical health. Growing …
Beyond “bluespace” and “greenspace”: A narrative review of possible health benefits from exposure to other natural landscapes
Numerous studies have highlighted the physical and mental health benefits of contact with
nature, typically in landscapes characterized by plants (ie,“greenspace”) and water …
nature, typically in landscapes characterized by plants (ie,“greenspace”) and water …
Associations between green/blue spaces and mental health across 18 countries
Living near, recreating in, and feeling psychologically connected to, the natural world are all
associated with better mental health, but many exposure-related questions remain. Using …
associated with better mental health, but many exposure-related questions remain. Using …
Contact with blue-green spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown beneficial for mental health
There is growing evidence that ecosystem services and especially the exposure to the
natural world (blue-green spaces) have potential benefits for mental health and well-being …
natural world (blue-green spaces) have potential benefits for mental health and well-being …
[HTML][HTML] Environmental justice in a very green city: Spatial inequality in exposure to urban nature, air pollution and heat in Oslo, Norway
Poorer citizens are often more exposed to environmental hazards due to spatial inequalities
in the distribution of urban blue-green space. Few cities have managed to prevent spatial …
in the distribution of urban blue-green space. Few cities have managed to prevent spatial …
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the importance of urban green spaces to the public
Green spaces provide people with countless intangible benefits, particularly important
during crises. Restrictions imposed in many countries due to the COVID-19 pandemic forced …
during crises. Restrictions imposed in many countries due to the COVID-19 pandemic forced …
Effects of urban parks on residents' expressed happiness before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Y Cheng, J Zhang, W Wei, B Zhao - Landscape and Urban Planning, 2021 - Elsevier
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted human health worldwide. In these unprecedented
times, the benefits of urban parks for residents have gained attention. However, few studies …
times, the benefits of urban parks for residents have gained attention. However, few studies …
Racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in multiple measures of blue and green spaces in the United States
JO Klompmaker, JE Hart, CR Bailey… - Environmental …, 2023 - ehp.niehs.nih.gov
Background: Several studies have evaluated whether the distribution of natural
environments differs between marginalized and privileged neighborhoods. However, most …
environments differs between marginalized and privileged neighborhoods. However, most …
[HTML][HTML] A typology for urban Green Infrastructure to guide multifunctional planning of nature-based solutions
Abstract Urban Green Infrastructure (GI) provides multiple benefits to city inhabitants and
can be an important component in nature-based solutions (NBS), but the ecosystem …
can be an important component in nature-based solutions (NBS), but the ecosystem …
Nature connection, pro-environmental behaviours and wellbeing: Understanding the mediating role of nature contact
Nature connection is positively associated with wellbeing and pro-environmental
behaviours. However, the mediators of these relationships remain under-explored. This …
behaviours. However, the mediators of these relationships remain under-explored. This …