[HTML][HTML] Impact of air pollution on asthma outcomes
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by variable airflow obstruction,
bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and airway inflammation. Evidence suggests that air …
bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and airway inflammation. Evidence suggests that air …
Asthma risk factors
Background Bronchial asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in childhood,
with a current prevalence of 6% to 9%, but a prevalence that is increasing at an alarming …
with a current prevalence of 6% to 9%, but a prevalence that is increasing at an alarming …
Smoking and asthma: dangerous liaisons
Cigarette smoking and asthma interact to induce important adverse effects on clinical,
prognostic and therapeutic outcomes. This review examines recent evidence on the harmful …
prognostic and therapeutic outcomes. This review examines recent evidence on the harmful …
A 10 year asthma programme in Finland: major change for the better
T Haahtela, LE Tuomisto, A Pietinalho, T Klaukka… - Thorax, 2006 - thorax.bmj.com
Background: A National Asthma Programme was undertaken in Finland from 1994 to 2004
to improve asthma care and prevent an increase in costs. The main goal was to lessen the …
to improve asthma care and prevent an increase in costs. The main goal was to lessen the …
Regular smoking and asthma incidence in adolescents
Rationale: Although involuntary exposure to maternal smoking during the in utero period
and to secondhand smoke are associated with occurrence of childhood asthma, few studies …
and to secondhand smoke are associated with occurrence of childhood asthma, few studies …
Smoking and asthma
Background: The purpose of this review is to describe the current understanding of the
prevalence and adverse effects of cigarette smoking and secondhand smoke (SHS) in …
prevalence and adverse effects of cigarette smoking and secondhand smoke (SHS) in …
Asthma and cigarette smoking: a review of the empirical literature
The purpose of this review paper is to present and evaluate the empirical literature on the
association between asthma and cigarette smoking. The authors conducted a literature …
association between asthma and cigarette smoking. The authors conducted a literature …
Individual-level socioeconomic status is associated with worse asthma morbidity in patients with asthma
Background Low socioeconomic status (SES) has been linked to higher morbidity in patients
with chronic diseases, but may be particularly relevant to asthma, as asthmatics of lower …
with chronic diseases, but may be particularly relevant to asthma, as asthmatics of lower …
Improved patient outcome with smoking cessation: when is it too late?
Smoking is the leading modifiable risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), cardiovascular disease (CVD), and lung cancer. Smoking cessation is the only …
(COPD), cardiovascular disease (CVD), and lung cancer. Smoking cessation is the only …
Linkage between smoking and asthma
A Pietinalho, A Pelkonen, P Rytilä - Allergy, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Smoking is one of the most important preventable public health problems. Prevalence of
smoking is decreasing in the Western world but lot of work is left. We reviewed the most …
smoking is decreasing in the Western world but lot of work is left. We reviewed the most …