[ספר][B] Computing statistics under interval and fuzzy uncertainty
HT Nguyen, V Kreinovich, B Wu, G **ang - 2012 - Springer
In many areas of science and engineering, we have a class (“population”) of objects, and we
are interested in the values of one or several quantities characterizing objects from this …
are interested in the values of one or several quantities characterizing objects from this …
A rootless Rockies—Support and lithospheric structure of the Colorado Rocky Mountains inferred from CREST and TA seismic data
Support for the Colorado high topography is resolved using seismic data from the Colorado
Rocky Mountain (CRM) Experiment and Seismic Transects. The average crustal thickness …
Rocky Mountain (CRM) Experiment and Seismic Transects. The average crustal thickness …
Tectonic implications of the gravity signatures of the Midcontinent Rift and Grenville Front
Abstract North America's Midcontinent Rift (MCR) and Grenville Front (GF) jointly record
aspects of the complex history of the assembly of Rodinia. The~ 1100 Ma MCR, remaining …
aspects of the complex history of the assembly of Rodinia. The~ 1100 Ma MCR, remaining …
Variations in Mid‐Continent Rift magma volumes consistent with microplate evolution
Modeling of gravity data along the~ 1.1 Ga failed Mid‐Continent Rift System shows
systematic patterns in magma volume between and along the rift's two arms. The volume of …
systematic patterns in magma volume between and along the rift's two arms. The volume of …
VS and density structure beneath the Colorado Plateau constrained by gravity anomalies and joint inversions of receiver function and phase velocity data
The Colorado Plateau is a physiographic province in the western US with an average
elevation of∼ 1.9 km where, in contrast to neighboring provinces, there is little evidence of …
elevation of∼ 1.9 km where, in contrast to neighboring provinces, there is little evidence of …
[HTML][HTML] Geophysical characterization of an alkaline‑carbonatite complex using gravity and magnetic methods at Magnet Cove, Arkansas, USA
Abstract The Magnet Cove alkaline‑carbonatite complex (MCC), located in the Ouachita
Mountains of south-central Arkansas in the United States, hosts an extensive variety of rare …
Mountains of south-central Arkansas in the United States, hosts an extensive variety of rare …
Using expert knowledge in solving the seismic inverse problem
For many practical applications, it is important to solve the seismic inverse problem, ie, to
measure seismic travel times and reconstruct velocities at different depths from these data …
measure seismic travel times and reconstruct velocities at different depths from these data …
A Comparative Geophysical Study of Major Basins in the Pranhita–Godavari Rift, India and Rio Grande Rift, USA
In this study, we compare and contrast two major sub-basins in the Pranhita-Godavari rift in
eastern India (Chintalapudi subbasin) and the Rio Grande rift in the western United States …
eastern India (Chintalapudi subbasin) and the Rio Grande rift in the western United States …
Least squares collocation with uncorrelated heterogeneous noise estimated by restricted maximum likelihood
W Jarmołowski - Journal of Geodesy, 2015 - Springer
The article describes the estimation of a priori error associated with heterogeneous, non-
correlated noise within one dataset. The errors are estimated by restricted maximum …
correlated noise within one dataset. The errors are estimated by restricted maximum …
Propagation and provenance of probabilistic and interval uncertainty in cyberinfrastructure-related data processing and data fusion
P Pinheiro da Silva, AA Velasco, M Ceberio, C Servin… - 2007 - scholarworks.utep.edu
In the past, communications were much slower than computations. As a result, researchers
and practitioners collected different data into huge databases located at a single location …
and practitioners collected different data into huge databases located at a single location …