[ספר][B] Computing statistics under interval and fuzzy uncertainty

HT Nguyen, V Kreinovich, B Wu, G **ang - 2012‏ - Springer
In many areas of science and engineering, we have a class (“population”) of objects, and we
are interested in the values of one or several quantities characterizing objects from this …

A rootless Rockies—Support and lithospheric structure of the Colorado Rocky Mountains inferred from CREST and TA seismic data

SM Hansen, KG Dueker, JC Stachnik… - Geochemistry …, 2013‏ - Wiley Online Library
Support for the Colorado high topography is resolved using seismic data from the Colorado
Rocky Mountain (CRM) Experiment and Seismic Transects. The average crustal thickness …

Tectonic implications of the gravity signatures of the Midcontinent Rift and Grenville Front

RP Elling, S Stein, CA Stein, GR Keller - Tectonophysics, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Abstract North America's Midcontinent Rift (MCR) and Grenville Front (GF) jointly record
aspects of the complex history of the assembly of Rodinia. The~ 1100 Ma MCR, remaining …

Variations in Mid‐Continent Rift magma volumes consistent with microplate evolution

M Merino, GR Keller, S Stein… - Geophysical Research …, 2013‏ - Wiley Online Library
Modeling of gravity data along the~ 1.1 Ga failed Mid‐Continent Rift System shows
systematic patterns in magma volume between and along the rift's two arms. The volume of …

VS and density structure beneath the Colorado Plateau constrained by gravity anomalies and joint inversions of receiver function and phase velocity data

IW Bailey, MS Miller, K Liu… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2012‏ - Wiley Online Library
The Colorado Plateau is a physiographic province in the western US with an average
elevation of∼ 1.9 km where, in contrast to neighboring provinces, there is little evidence of …

[HTML][HTML] Geophysical characterization of an alkaline‑carbonatite complex using gravity and magnetic methods at Magnet Cove, Arkansas, USA

CM Amaral, AP Lamb, G Dumond - Tectonophysics, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Abstract The Magnet Cove alkaline‑carbonatite complex (MCC), located in the Ouachita
Mountains of south-central Arkansas in the United States, hosts an extensive variety of rare …

Using expert knowledge in solving the seismic inverse problem

MG Averill, KC Miller, GR Keller, V Kreinovich… - International Journal of …, 2007‏ - Elsevier
For many practical applications, it is important to solve the seismic inverse problem, ie, to
measure seismic travel times and reconstruct velocities at different depths from these data …

A Comparative Geophysical Study of Major Basins in the Pranhita–Godavari Rift, India and Rio Grande Rift, USA

T Vani, GR Keller, M Rao… - Journal of the …, 2024‏ - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
In this study, we compare and contrast two major sub-basins in the Pranhita-Godavari rift in
eastern India (Chintalapudi subbasin) and the Rio Grande rift in the western United States …

Least squares collocation with uncorrelated heterogeneous noise estimated by restricted maximum likelihood

W Jarmołowski - Journal of Geodesy, 2015‏ - Springer
The article describes the estimation of a priori error associated with heterogeneous, non-
correlated noise within one dataset. The errors are estimated by restricted maximum …

Propagation and provenance of probabilistic and interval uncertainty in cyberinfrastructure-related data processing and data fusion

P Pinheiro da Silva, AA Velasco, M Ceberio, C Servin… - 2007‏ - scholarworks.utep.edu
In the past, communications were much slower than computations. As a result, researchers
and practitioners collected different data into huge databases located at a single location …