[HTML][HTML] Heart and breathing rate variations as biomarkers for anxiety detection
With advances in portable and wearable devices, it should be possible to analyze and
interpret the collected biosignals from those devices to tailor a psychological intervention to …
interpret the collected biosignals from those devices to tailor a psychological intervention to …
Automated anxiety detection using probabilistic binary pattern with ECG signals
Background and aim Anxiety disorder is common; early diagnosis is crucial for
management. Anxiety can induce physiological changes in the brain and heart. We aimed to …
management. Anxiety can induce physiological changes in the brain and heart. We aimed to …
Revise: Remote vital signs measurement using smartphone camera
Remote Photoplethysmography (rPPG) is a fast, effective, inexpensive and convenient
method for collecting biometric data as it enables vital signs estimation using face videos …
method for collecting biometric data as it enables vital signs estimation using face videos …
Detection of different stages of anxiety from single-channel wearable ECG sensor signal using Fourier–Bessel domain adaptive wavelet transform
In this letter, the Fourier–Bessel domain adaptive wavelet transform (FBDAWT) is proposed
for the automated detection of anxiety stages using the single-channel wearable …
for the automated detection of anxiety stages using the single-channel wearable …
Prediction of exam scores using a multi-sensor approach for wearable exam stress dataset with uniform preprocessing
BACKGROUND: Physiological signals, such as skin conductance, heart rate, and
temperature, provide valuable insight into the physiological responses of students to stress …
temperature, provide valuable insight into the physiological responses of students to stress …
[PDF][PDF] Anxiety and EEG Frontal Theta-Beta Ratio Relationship Analysis Across Personality Traits During HDR Affective Videos Experience.
To comprehend the intricate interplay between the frontal regions of the brain, anxiety, and
their connection with individual personality traits holds promising potential for develo** …
their connection with individual personality traits holds promising potential for develo** …
[HTML][HTML] Resilience of Machine Learning Models in Anxiety Detection: Assessing the Impact of Gaussian Noise on Wearable Sensors
The resilience of machine learning models for anxiety detection through wearable
technology was explored. The effectiveness of feature-based and end-to-end machine …
technology was explored. The effectiveness of feature-based and end-to-end machine …
[HTML][HTML] Extending Anxiety Detection from Multimodal Wearables in Controlled Conditions to Real-World Environments
This study quantitatively evaluated whether and how machine learning (ML) models built by
data from controlled conditions can fit real-world conditions. This study focused on feature …
data from controlled conditions can fit real-world conditions. This study focused on feature …
Effective Hypertension Detection using Predictive Feature Engineering and Deep Learning
The increasing occurrence of Hypertension highlights the need for advanced predictive tools
in healthcare. This research proposes a novel approach that combines machine and deep …
in healthcare. This research proposes a novel approach that combines machine and deep …
Pulse-PPG: An Open-Source Field-Trained PPG Foundation Model for Wearable Applications Across Lab and Field Settings
Photoplethysmography (PPG)-based foundation models are gaining traction due to the
widespread use of PPG in biosignal monitoring and their potential to generalize across …
widespread use of PPG in biosignal monitoring and their potential to generalize across …