A review of trabecular bone functional adaptation: what have we learned from trabecular analyses in extant hominoids and what can we apply to fossils?
Many of the unresolved debates in palaeoanthropology regarding evolution of particular
locomotor or manipulative behaviours are founded in differing opinions about the functional …
locomotor or manipulative behaviours are founded in differing opinions about the functional …
Finite element analysis and understanding the biomechanics and evolution of living and fossil organisms
Finite element analysis (FEA) is a technique that reconstructs stress, strain, and deformation
in a digital structure. Although commonplace in engineering and orthopedic science for …
in a digital structure. Although commonplace in engineering and orthopedic science for …
Biomechanical analyses of archaeological human skeletons
Biomechanics theory provides new ways to reconstruct behavior in past populations.
Application of biomechanical beam models to long bone diaphyses has proven to be a …
Application of biomechanical beam models to long bone diaphyses has proven to be a …
The middle lamella—more than a glue
In plant tissues, cells are glued to each other by a pectic polysaccharide rich material known
as middle lamella (ML). Along with many biological functions, the ML plays a crucial role in …
as middle lamella (ML). Along with many biological functions, the ML plays a crucial role in …
Form, function, and geometric morphometrics
Geometric morphometrics (GM) has increasingly become an important tool in assessing and
studying shape variation in a wide variety of taxa. While the GM toolkit has unparalleled …
studying shape variation in a wide variety of taxa. While the GM toolkit has unparalleled …
[ספר][B] Techniques for virtual palaeontology
Virtual palaeontology, the use of interactive three-dimensional digital models as a
supplement or alternative to physical specimens for scientific study and communication, is …
supplement or alternative to physical specimens for scientific study and communication, is …
The evolution of Metriorhynchoidea (Mesoeucrocodylia, Thalattosuchia): an integrated approach using geometric morphometrics, analysis of disparity, and …
Metriorhynchoid crocodylians represent the pinnacle of marine specialization within
Archosauria. Not only were they a major component of the Middle Jurassic–Early …
Archosauria. Not only were they a major component of the Middle Jurassic–Early …
Why sexually selected weapons are not ornaments
The elaboration and diversification of sexually selected weapons remain poorly understood.
We argue that progress in this topic has been hindered by a strong bias in sexual selection …
We argue that progress in this topic has been hindered by a strong bias in sexual selection …
The feeding biomechanics and dietary ecology of Australopithecus africanus
The African Plio-Pleistocene hominins known as australopiths evolved a distinctive
craniofacial morphology that traditionally has been viewed as a dietary adaptation for …
craniofacial morphology that traditionally has been viewed as a dietary adaptation for …
[PDF][PDF] Evolutionary insights into global patterns of human cranial diversity: population history, climatic and dietary effects
The study of cranial variation has a long, and somewhat difficult, history within anthropology.
Much of this difficulty is rooted in the historical use of craniometric data to justify essentialist …
Much of this difficulty is rooted in the historical use of craniometric data to justify essentialist …