Holistic enlightening of blackspots with passive tailorable reflecting surfaces for efficient urban mmWave networks
Mitigating outage regions is of particular interest for emerging millimeter-wave (mmWave)
and future sub-terahertz frequency cellular networks. Whereas smart radio environments …
and future sub-terahertz frequency cellular networks. Whereas smart radio environments …
Unsupervised clustering for 5G network planning assisted by real data
The fifth-generation (5G) of networks is being deployed to provide a wide range of new
services and to manage the accelerated traffic load of the existing networks. In the present …
services and to manage the accelerated traffic load of the existing networks. In the present …
Nomadic non-public networks for 6G: Use cases and key performance indicators
The landscape of wireless communication systems is evolving rapidly, with a pivotal role
envisioned for dynamic network structures and self-organizing networks in upcoming …
envisioned for dynamic network structures and self-organizing networks in upcoming …
On the benefits of demand-based planning and configuration of private 5g networks
High reliability and specific, application-driven requirements are the reason for the growing
importance of private 5G networks or campus networks, which can be configured and …
importance of private 5G networks or campus networks, which can be configured and …
DRaGon: Mining latent radio channel information from geographical data leveraging deep learning
Radio channel modeling is one of the most fundamental aspects in the process of designing,
optimizing, and simulating wireless communication networks. In this field, long-established …
optimizing, and simulating wireless communication networks. In this field, long-established …
Heterogeneous Communication Networks and Localization for Industry 4.0 Applications in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Systematic Literature Review
This study demonstrates the result of a systematic literature review using the preferred
reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA) method. The main …
reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA) method. The main …
Architectural challenges of nomadic networks in 6G
This paper examines architectural challenges and opportunities arising from Nomadic
Networks in the context of emerging 6G research. Nomadic networks are proposed as a …
Networks in the context of emerging 6G research. Nomadic networks are proposed as a …
AI-driven Planning of Private Networks for Shared Operator Models
Private networks represent a key innovation in current 5G and future 6G networks, offering
significant benefits, particularly for vertical industries with mission-critical industrial …
significant benefits, particularly for vertical industries with mission-critical industrial …
The Cost of Uncertainty: Impact of Overprovisioning on the Dimensioning of Machine Learning-based Network Slicing
Increasing automation of industry verticals and frequently changing production cycles
require a high level of production line modularity and are locally accompanied by frequently …
require a high level of production line modularity and are locally accompanied by frequently …
Hybrid computational and real data-based positioning of small cells in 5G networks
One of the key technologies in smart cities is the use of next generation networks such as 5G
networks. Mainly because this new mobile technology offers massive connections in …
networks. Mainly because this new mobile technology offers massive connections in …